Laboratory testing services

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SEM-EDX imaging

Imaging of the sample using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or EDS). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. An EDX mapping, line scan, or point measurement is …

ToF-ERDA measurement

Time-of-Flight Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ToF-ERDA) measurement for determining the elemental concentrations of thin films. ToF-ERDA is capable of identifying all elements, including various hydrogen isotopes. It provides elemental depth profiles by …

SEM imaging

Imaging of the sample using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. Non-conductive samples can be prepared with a metallic coating to allow imaging. For cross-section measurement, …

XRR of thin films or coatings

X-Ray Reflectometry (XRR) analysis is used to measure the density (g/cm3), thickness (nm), and roughness (nm) of thin films. The method is applicable to the characterization of single- or multilayered thin films, as it provides information on the …


VPD ICP-MS allows the determination of trace metal contamination on the surface of wafers. The full surface of the wafer is scanned during the analysis. VPD ICP-MS is performed using acid to dissolve the top surface of the wafer before the determination of elemental concentrations …

AFM surface roughness measurement

In this analysis, the surface roughness value (RMS) of the sample is determined with atomic force microscopy (AFM). Three measurement points from the sample are included in a typical analysis. The measurement area is 5 x 5 micrometers, if not agreed …

Specific surface area (BET)

ISO 9277
BET (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller) analysis to determine the specific surface area of solid materials.

TEM-EDX imaging

Imaging of the sample with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and determination of the elemental composition of the sample using electron dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or EDS). Several images with varying magnifications are taken to get a good overview of the sample. …

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GI-XRD of thin films

Grazing Incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD) measurement for thin films and surface layers. The measurement provides the following information: XRD spectrum and identification of the phase(s), Crystallinity, crystallite size, lattice paraments, and strain of the phase. …

XRR + GI-XRD of thin films

The combination of Grazing Incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD) and X-ray reflectometry (XRR) analysis to determine the following properties of thin film samples. XRR density (g/cm3), thickness (nm),, roughness (nm). GI-XRD XRD spectrum and identification of …

Ellipsometry measurement

Ellipsometry is an optical technique that characterizes polarized light reflected from a sample's surface. It can measure the thickness or the refractive index of a layer. Do not hesitate to contact the method expert for more details.

Specific surface area + pore size analysis

N2 adsorption analysis to determine specific surface area, pore size, and total pore volume of solid materials.

TEM imaging

Imaging of the sample with transmission electron microscope (TEM). Typically, several images with varying magnifications are taken to get a good overview of the sample. TEM allows nm-resolution images. Solid samples often require FIB preparation before analysis. HR-TEM can also be …

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

XPS is a semi-quantitative technique that allows the measurement of the elemental composition of the surface of materials. In addition, it can also determine the binding state of the atoms. XPS is a surface-sensitive technique. Typical …

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling

In XPS depth profiling, ion gun etching cycles and XPS analysis cycles are alternated to obtain semi-quantitative information on the elemental composition (at.%) of the sample as a function of depth. The binding …

ToF-SIMS measurement

Time of flight - secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) is a highly sensitive analytical technique that is used for elemental and molecular analysis, as well as elemental mapping of solid samples. The technique is primarily used for detailed surface analysis of …

Broad Ion Beam (BIB) sample preparation

Broad Ion Beam (BIB) sample preparation enables the creation of surfaces or cross-sections that are ideal for imaging with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This method utilizes a focused, high-energy ion beam to etch or mill the sample …

Focused ion beam (FIB) preparation

The focused ion beam (FIB) technique is used to prepare samples for electron microscopy. It allows very precise cutting of samples to observe them by TEM or SEM imaging. We are happy to provide a quote for FIB preparation on its own, as well as …

Grease resistance of paper or board with the KIT test

This test follows the TAPPI Test Method T559. It assesses how fluorochemicals, or other surface treatment chemicals, which can make paper both resistant to oil (organophobic) and water (hydrophobic), …

XPS peak deconvolution - binding state of atoms

XPS is a semi-quantitative technique allowing to measure the elemental composition of the surface of materials. In addition, it can also determine the binding state of the atoms. If you wish to perform this test, please ask the …

AFM surface imaging

During this analysis, the surface of a smooth and hard sample is imaged with an atomic force microscope (AFM). Topological images are provided from several locations around the sample. The measurement area is 5 x 5 micrometers, if not agreed otherwise.

Contact angle and surface energy

Contact angle measurement is a technique used to assess the wettability of a surface by measuring the angle between a liquid droplet and the surface. This angle is influenced by the surface energy of the solid and the surface tension of the liquid. A …

Powder XRD measurement - Qualitative analysis

Qualitative or comparative analysis of crystalline powders using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The analysis is only suitable for materials with at least one crystalline phase.

Nano scratch test

Nano Scratch Test of thin film samples. Typical measurement includes overview image of the scratch track (surface damage) and determination of critical load values.

ISO brightness of paper or paperboard

ISO 2470-1
The method measures the diffuse blue light reflectance factor of paper and board by the ISO 2470-1 standard. The test is limited to white and near-white samples. The measurement is used to determine the whiteness level of …

Optical profilometry

Measurement of surface profile, roughness or edge sharpness by optical profilometry.

Opacity of paper or board

ISO 2471
The ISO 2471 standard is followed to determine the opacity (paper backing) of paper by diffuse reflectance. The test is suitable for papers and boards that contain fluorescent whitening agents, as long as the UV content of the radiation incident …

Roughness of paper or board

The most typical test methods to determine the roughness of paper or board are: - The Bendtsen method (ISO 8791-2) - For papers and boards with a Bendtsen value between 5 and 3000 ml/min. The test is not suitable for papers with high air permeability. - …

Antibacterial activity on plastic and non-porous surfaces by ISO 22196

ISO 22196
Standard ISO 22196 outlines a method for evaluating the antibacterial activity of plastics and other non-porous surfaces. The procedure involves inoculating a test sample with …

Grease resistance of paper or board with palm oil method

The grease resistance of paper and board is determined by establishing the time taken for a simulated “fat material” (palm kernel oil) to penetrate (break through) the sheet of paper or board. The …

Group delay dispersion (GDD) and group velocity dispersion (GVD)

Group delay dispersion (GDD) and group velocity dispersion (GVD) are critical parameters for understanding how the propagation time and speed of light pulses change with frequency or wavelength as they …

LA-ICP-MS of thin film samples (70 elements)

Determination of metal concentrations on ALD thin films using LA-ICP-MS. The measurement includes the analysis of the following elements: Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Br, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu Fe, Ga, Gd, Ge, Hf, …

RBS measurement

Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) can be used to measure the composition of solid samples quantitatively at the surface as well as depth profiling. RBS is used for the analysis of heavy elements and can be combined with ToF-ERDA when lighter elements also need to be …

BPSG analysis

Determination of B and P amounts in Borophosphosilicate glass.

Crystallographic structure analysis with EBSD

Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is an SEM-based technique used to determine crystalline materials' crystallographic orientation, phase, and grain structures. The method is typically used for failure analysis and …

LA-ICP-MS of thin film samples (standard elements)

Determination of metal concentrations on ALD thin films using LA-ICP-MS. The standard analysis package includes the quantification of the following elements: Ca, Cr, Cu, Co, Er, Fe, Ge, Pb, Mn, Mo, Ni, K, Na, Sn, Ti, Ta, Zn, …

Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)

Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) is used to analyze the elemental composition of materials. AES is a surface-sensitive technique (3-9 nm) which is used for depth profiling, providing analysis of the elemental composition in depth. Secondary electron …

CIE whiteness of paper or paperboard

The CIE whiteness test measures the whiteness of paper or board under the CIE D65 daylight standard. The method gives the complete visible spectral range (VIS) information about whiteness, unlike the ISO ( ISO 2470 ) method, which operates only …

Coefficient of friction of plastic films

ISO 8295
The method measures the coefficients of starting and sliding friction of plastic films and sheeting when sliding over the same or another material. The testing procedure is based on the ISO 8295 standard. The measurement …

Grease resistance of paper or board with the turpentine method

This test determines the penetration of greases and oil, commonly found in foodstuffs. The test can be used to evaluate and grade the usability of greaseproof papers and vegetable …

LA-ICP-MS of thin film samples (one element)

Determination of a metal concentration on an ALD thin film using LA-ICP-MS. The measurement includes the analysis of one element, which is selected upon odering. Values will be reported in ppm (μg/g).

Si wafer organic contamination by ATD GC-MS

SEMI MF 1982-1103
Automated thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (ATD-GC-MS) is a highly sensitive method for wafer surface organic contamination analysis, providing low detection limits and a wide …

Yellowness of paper or board

DIN 6167
The influence of factors such as temperature, chemical reactions, and radiation can turn white or colorless materials such as art equipment, paper, and paints yellow. The yellowness number indicates the change in the yellow value of a …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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