Laboratory testing services

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Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of plastic films and sheeting

ASTM F1249, ISO 15106-2
Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) according to the ASTM F1249 standard. WVTR describes the amount of water vapor that passes …

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of plastic films and sheeting

ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927, ASTM F2622-08, …
Determination of the oxygen transmission rate of plastic films and sheet-like materials. The test is performed on two parallel …

Identification of chemical groups with FTIR (solid samples)

Qualitative identification of chemical groups in solid samples by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Results will be delivered as an FTIR spectrum. In addition, a comparison to an FTIR library …

SEM-EDX imaging

Imaging of the sample using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or EDS). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. An EDX mapping, line scan, or point measurement is …

SEM imaging

Imaging of the sample using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. The sample can be prepared with a metallic coating for non-conductive samples. For cross-section measurement, an …

Bisphenol A content

CEN/TS 13130-13, EN 14350-2, EN 14372, …
Content of bisphenol A (BPA) in various matrices, including: Consumer goods made from plastic, elastomers, and rubber, Toys and childcare articles, Food packaging (plastic, paper, …

Heavy metal content according to Directive 94/62/EC

Directive 94/62/EC limits the content of heavy metals such that the sum of the concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) in packaging or packaging components shall not exceed …

Phthalates analysis package (REACH)

Phthalates are a group of chemicals widely used as plasticizers, which make plastics more flexible and durable. Phthalates have also been used as additives in products such as cosmetics and personal care items. Several phthalates have been …

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Printing ink set-off testing with food simulant E (Tenax), analysis with GC-MS

Printing ink set-off can occur on the reverse side of printed labels, lids, cups, and packaging films, either in a stack or in the reel after printing. This creates a potential risk …

Printing ink set-off testing with ethanol solution; analysis with GC-MS

Printing ink set-off can occur on the reverse side of printed labels, lids, cups, and packaging film, either in a stack or in the reel after printing. This creates a potential for …

Elemental analysis of plastics and polymers by ICP-SFMS (selected elements)

The measurement is performed using a high-resolution ICP-MS technique (ICP-SFMS), which can identify very low elemental concentrations. The measurement includes only the selected element …

Isothiazolinone content

Determination of isothiazolinones in consumer goods. Isothiazolinones are common preservatives (biocides) in cosmetics, chemical formulations, and printing inks. The following isothiazolinones are included in the analysis: 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3(2h)-one (BIT, CAS: …

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of packages

ASTM F1307
This test is designed to measure the oxygen transmission rate of finished packages, including cups, bottles, trays, and containers. Two replica measurements are included in the test price. Temperature can be …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of paper and board

ASTM E96, ASTM F1249
Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) according to the ASTM F1249 standard. WVTR describes the amount of water vapor that passes through a material over a …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of packages

This test is designed to measure the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of packages, such as cups, bottles, trays, and containers. The analysis includes three replica measurements. This test is not suitable for films or …

Migration of heavy metals from ceramics, glass, and enameled articles

ASTM C927-80, EN 1388-1, EN 1388-2, …
Migration of lead and cadmium from ceramics, glass, and enameled articles. For ceramic articles and tableware, limits …

Phthalates analysis (extended package)

Extended analysis package for phthalates in various matrices using the GC-MS technique. Phthalates are a group of chemicals widely used as plasticizers, which make plastics more flexible and durable. Phthalates are also found as additives in …

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of paper and board

ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927
Determination of the oxygen transmission rate of paper and cardboard materials. The test is performed on three identical samples to ensure repeatability. Measurement conditions …

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in plastic and rubber (REACH)

Analysis of PAH compounds from plastic and rubber as well as products made from these raw materials (e.g., textiles, toys, packaging materials) as required by REACH. Test package includes the …

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in plastic and rubber (AfPS GS 2019:01 PAK)

AfPS GS2019
Content of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in plastic and rubber and products made from them (e.g., toys, kitchenware) according to AfPS GS …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of textiles

Water vapor transmission rate testing is used to evaluate the breathability of textiles. The ASTM E96 test measures the amount of water vapor that passes through the fabric in a controlled environment. The …

Carbon dioxide (CO2) transmission rate through films and sheeting

ASTM F2476-20
This measurement determines the transmission rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) through a single or multi-layered plastic film or sheeting with an infrared detector. The …

Recyclability of paper and board - PTS-RH 021:2012 method Category II

Recyclability testing of paper and board packages and graphic print products according to the PTS-RH 021:2012 method (Draft Oct 2019). The following properties are evaluated: Disintegration …

Distribution testing of shipping containers and systems by ASTM D4169

ASTM D4169
ASTM D4169 is widely used in various industries, including packaging, logistics, and transportation, to assess the ability of shipping containers and packaging systems to …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of plastic films with the gravimetric dish method

DIN 53122-1
The gravimetric dish method can be used to determine the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of materials that have a high water vapor …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of ultra-high barrier films and sheetings

Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of ultra-high barrier materials. The method can also be used to test moderate barrier materials at high-temperature …

Concora medium test (CMT30) for flutings

This method is used to determine the flat crush resistance of a corrugating medium after being fluted to A-flute geometry with a laboratory fluting device. The Concora corrugating medium test can be used for any corrugating medium that …

Horizontal impact test for corrugated cardboard

This test is used to determine the effect of a vertical impact on the horizontal edge of finished and filled cardboard containers. In the test, the packaging is placed on a carriage that is rolled against an impact apparatus. …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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