Laboratory testing services

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Powder XRD measurement - Quantitative analysis

Phase identification and quantification (Rietveld analysis) of a crystalline powder material using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The analysis can also provide unit cell dimensions. The analysis is only suitable for materials with at …

SEM-EDX imaging

Imaging of the sample using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or EDS). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. An EDX mapping, line scan, or point measurement is …

Elemental analysis of solid and liquid samples with XRF

DIN 51418-1-08
XRF is a quantitative and qualitative method that can be used to analyze solid and liquid materials. This method is intended for a standard screening of homogeneous materials that do not …

SEM imaging

Imaging of the sample using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. The sample can be prepared with a metallic coating for non-conductive samples. For cross-section measurement, an …

XRR of thin films or coatings

X-Ray Reflectometry (XRR) analysis is used to measure the density, thickness, and roughness of films. For film thickness measurements, the thickness should generally be below 300 nm (depending on the material) and the roughness should be low (<5 nm). If …

Metal screening by ICP-SFMS (semi-quantitative)

This metal screening analysis includes the semi-quantitative determination of 70 elements. The method can be used, for example, to determine the background concentrations of metals in environmental samples or to study the …

TEM-EDX imaging

Imaging of the sample with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and determination of the elemental composition of the sample using electron dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or EDS). Several images with varying magnifications are taken to get a good overview of the sample. …

TEM imaging

Imaging of the sample with transmission electron microscope (TEM). Typically, several images with varying magnifications are taken to get a good overview of the sample. TEM allows nm-resolution images. Solid samples often require FIB preparation, which is not included in the price. …

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Tensile test for metals at room temperature

ASTM E8, EN ISO 6892-1
With tensile testing, the strength of metals and metal extrusion products can be determined. Properties that are deducted from the test data include tensile strength, yield strength, and …

Linear thermal expansion of solids with a rod dilatometer

A dilatometer is used to determine the linear thermal expansion of a material as a function of temperature. The temperature range of the measurement is generally between 25 °C and 1,600 °C. There …

Powder XRD measurement - Qualitative analysis

Qualitative or comparative analysis of crystalline powders using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The analysis is only suitable for materials with at least one crystalline phase.

Iron ore elemental analysis with XRF

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) is used to quantitatively determine the following minerals from iron ore: Al2O3, CaO, Cr2O3, Fe, K2O, MgO, Mn, Na2O, NiO, P, S, SiO2, V2O5 and TiO2.

Vickers hardness of metals

EN ISO 6507
Vickers hardness is used to assess a material's ability to resist plastic deformation from a standard source. Vickers hardness testing is suitable for all metals. In the test, a standard-sized test head is pressed against the sample and …

Chemical composition of copper alloys with OES

Optical emission spectrometry (OES) is used to determine the chemical composition of a plate-like copper sample. The elemental composition results are expressed as mass percentages.

13C stable isotope analysis

Classic stable isotope analysis of carbon (13C) with isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). The results are reported in the unit VPDB, ‰. The analysis is suitable for various sample materials. Please contact the Measurlabs expert for more detailed …

ICP-MS analysis of geological samples (aqua regia digestion)

ICP-MS elemental analysis for geological samples (rocks, ore, mining samples) with aqua regia digestion. The analysis includes the following elements: Ag, Al, As, Au, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, …

ICP-MS analysis of geological samples (four acid digestion)

ICP-MS elemental analysis for geological samples (rocks, ore, mining samples) with Four Acid digestion. The analysis includes the following elements: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, …

XRF analysis (Si, Al, Ca, Ti, P, Mn, Cr and C) of SiFe samples

X-ray fluorescence measurement for SiFe samples. The analysis includes the determination of the following elements: Si, Al, Ca, Ti, P, Mn, Cr and C. The results of the measured elements are reported in unit …

Magnetometry with a vibrating-sample magnetometer

Magnetometry provides information on the magnetic properties of the sample material as a function of the magnetic field. A vibrating-sample magnetometer (VSM), also referred to as a Foner magnetometer, is used in the …

Metals in oil and solvents by ICP-SFMS (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, V)

Determination of selected metals (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, V) in oil or solvent samples using high-resolution ICP-MS (ICP-SFMS) technique. …

Noble metals in geological samples

Noble metal analysis (Ag, Au, Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh, and Ru) of typical typical geological samples. The method is suitable for the concentration levels listed below: Ag: 1-1500 ppm, Au: 0.002-5 ppm, Ir: 0.001-5 ppm, Os: 0.002-1 ppm, Pd: 0.002-15 ppm, …

XRD analysis of bentonite

EN 13925
Quantitative mineralogical analysis by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) on bentonite samples to identify and quantify the concentration of occurring minerals. The analysis is performed according to EN 13925. The results of the analysis are …

Xanthate content analysis

The measurement provides the content of different xanthates using a 1H NMR measurement. In the analysis, appropriate reference is used to quantify the results. Different degradation products can be analyzed simultaneously. Please get in touch with Measurlabs …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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