Laboratory testing services

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SEM-EDX imaging

Imaging of the sample using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or EDS). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. An EDX mapping, line scan, or point measurement is …

SEM imaging

Imaging of the sample using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. The sample can be prepared with a metallic coating for non-conductive samples. For cross-section measurement, an …

Face mask type II tests according to EN 14683 standard

EN 14683, ISO 11737-1
Accredited testing of the performance of type II face masks according to EN 14683 standard. The tests include bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE), differential pressure (DP) …

Chemical characterization of medical devices by ISO 10993-18

ISO 10993-18
Chemical characterization by the ISO 10993-18 standard is performed to identify the constituents of a medical device and to estimate and control the risks associated with its chemical …

TEM imaging

Imaging of the sample with transmission electron microscope (TEM). Typically, several images with varying magnifications are taken to get a good overview of the sample. TEM allows nm-resolution images. Solid samples often require FIB preparation, which is not included in the price. …

Bioburden testing by ISO 11737-1, aerobic & anaerobic bacteria and fungi

ISO 11737-1
The term bioburden describes the presence of microorganisms on a product, raw material, or surface. Bioburden testing has an important role in the quality control of …

Sterility test by ISO 11737-2: Aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria and fungi

ISO 11737-2
Sterility testing measures the growth of microorganisms on a product after the product has been sterilized. ISO 11737-2 is a harmonized standard for evaluating …

Bacterial filtration efficiency

EN 14683
Accredited testing of the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of face masks according to EN 14683 standard.

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Bioburden of a face mask

EN 14683, ISO 11737-1
Accredited testing of the microbiological cleanliness (Bioburden) of face masks according to EN 14683 standard. The results include the viable aerobic bacteria, yeasts and molds. The colony-forming units (CFU) are counted …

Blood splash resistance

EN 14683, ISO 22609
Accredited testing of the blood splash resistance of face masks according to EN 14683 standard.

Face mask type IIR tests according to EN 14683 standard

EN 14683, ISO 11737-1, ISO 22609
Accredited testing of the performance of type II face masks according to EN 14683 standard. The tests include bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE), …

Biocompatibility of face masks

EN 14683, ISO 10993-10, ISO 10993-5
The biocompatibility of face masks must be analyzed if the materials of the face masks have not been previously tested for cytotoxicity and dermal irritation, and accepted to be used …

Differential pressure of face masks

EN 14683
Accredited testing of the differential pressure of face masks according to the EN 14683 standard.

Distribution testing of shipping containers and systems by ASTM D4169

ASTM D4169
ASTM D4169 is widely used in various industries, including packaging, logistics, and transportation, to assess the ability of shipping containers and packaging systems to …

Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas pathways by ISO 18562

ISO 18562-2, ISO 18562-3
The biocompatibility of medical devices with breathing gas pathways is generally assessed according to ISO 18562 standards. Measurlabs offers tests …

Biocompatibility testing by the ISO 10993 standard family

ISO 10993-1
The biocompatibility of medical devices is generally assessed according to ISO 10993 standards. Measurlabs offers a wide range of tests by the standard family, including the following: - …

Cytotoxicity testing by ISO 10993-5

ISO 10993-5
Cytotoxicity is a crucial part of biocompatibility assessment, which is required to ensure that the device does not cause harm when used in contact with the body. It is necessary for the approval of any medical device that …

Metals in oil and solvents by ICP-SFMS (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, V)

Determination of selected metals (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, V) in oil or solvent samples using high-resolution ICP-MS (ICP-SFMS) technique. …

Shelf life studies for Sterile Barrier Systems of medical devices

ASTM F1980
The ASTM F1980 standard provides guidelines for conducting accelerated aging testing for medical device Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) as a whole, with or without devices. These …

Skin irritation testing by ISO 10993-23

ISO 10993-23
ISO 10993-23 tests for irritation encompass a range of testing options for assessing the impacts of medical devices on the patient's tissues. Tests can be performed in vitro or in vivo, depending on the requirements …

Skin sensitization testing by ISO 10993-10

ISO 10993-10
Skin sensitization testing by the ISO 10993-10 standard is a key part of assessing the biocompatibility of medical devices. Testing is required for all medical devices that come into contact with the human body …

Systemic toxicity studies for medical devices by ISO 10993-11

ISO 10993-11
As part of a medical device's biocompatibility evaluation, systemic toxicity tests following ISO 10993-11 are used to assess the risk of the device or its components causing harmful …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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