Laboratory testing services

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Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of plastic films and sheeting

ASTM F1249, ISO 15106-2
Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) according to the ASTM F1249 standard. WVTR describes the amount of water vapor that passes …

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of plastic films and sheeting

ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927, ASTM F2622-08, …
Determination of the oxygen transmission rate of plastic films and sheet-like materials. The test is performed on two parallel …

XRR of thin films or coatings

X-Ray Reflectometry (XRR) analysis is used to measure the density, thickness, and roughness of films. For film thickness measurements, the thickness should generally be below 300 nm (depending on the material) and the roughness should be low (<5 nm). If …

Colour fastness of dyed paper and board

EN 646
This test is used to evaluate the color fastness of dyed or printed paper or board that is intended to come into contact with food. The applied simulants are Olive oil, 3% acetic acid, Alkaline salt solution (saliva simulant), …

Chemical characterization of medical devices by ISO 10993-18

ISO 10993-18
Chemical characterization by the ISO 10993-18 standard is performed to identify the constituents of a medical device and to estimate and control the risks associated with its chemical …

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of packages

ASTM F1307
This test is designed to measure the oxygen transmission rate of finished packages, including cups, bottles, trays, and containers. Two replica measurements are included in the test price. Temperature can be …

Water absorbance of paper or board with the Cobb method

This test measures the water absorption properties of paper and board. The method is not suitable for grades with grammage less than 50 g/m2 or embossed paper. It is also unsuitable for highly water-absorbing papers, …

CEPI recyclability of paper and board

Recyclability testing of paper and cardboard according to the CEPI recyclability laboratory test method (version 2, October 2022). Testing includes: Disintegration, Filtrate analysis, Determination of the coarse reject, Determination of the …

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Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of paper and board

ASTM E96, ASTM F1249
Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) according to the ASTM F1249 standard. WVTR describes the amount of water vapor that passes through a material over a …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of packages

This test is designed to measure the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of packages, such as cups, bottles, trays, and containers. The analysis includes three replica measurements. This test is not suitable for films or …

Simulated distillation of petroleum fractions according to ASTM D7169

ASTM D7169
Simulated distillation (SimDist or Simdis) according to the ASTM D7169 standard helps determine the boiling point of petroleum fractions. Sample needs to be soluble to CS2. The …

Powder flowability characterization

Measurement to determine the powder flowability index according to ASTM D6393 standard for bulk solids characterization. The method includes the measurement and calculation of the following: Angle of repose, Aerated bulk density, Packed bulk …

Density determination of plastics and polymers

ISO 1183-1
In this analysis, the density of plastics and polymers is determined by the immersion method specified in part A of the ISO 1183-1 standard. The method is suitable for plastic granulates and for products and …

Lignin molecular weight distribution

Lignin sample molar mass distribution analysis using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled with a UV detector at wavelength 256 nm. The lignin is dissolved in a suitable solvent before analysis. The SEC system is calibrated with a …

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of paper and board

ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927
Determination of the oxygen transmission rate of paper and cardboard materials. The test is performed on three identical samples to ensure repeatability. Measurement conditions …

Diesel exhaust fluid (e.g. AdBlue) testing according to ISO 22241

ISO 22241-1
Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) is an additive used in diesel-powered vehicles to help the catalytic reduction of nitrous oxides. Thus, the use of AdBlue and other exhaustive fluids …

Grammage of paper and board

EN ISO 536
Determination of the grammage of paper, board and corrugated board.

Linear thermal expansion of solids with a rod dilatometer

A dilatometer is used to determine the linear thermal expansion of a material as a function of temperature. The temperature range of the measurement is generally between 25 °C and 1,600 °C. There …

High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS)

High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) is an analytical technique for determining the exact molecular masses of various compounds. The high accuracy makes HRMS ideal for the identification of molecular structures, ranging from small …

Manure & compost – Analysis package 3

Standard analysis for manure/compost. The package includes the analyzes listed below: Specific weight, Total Nitrogen, Soluble Nitrogen, K and P, Water soluble Phosphorous, Moisture, Loss on ignition. Manure samples should be taken within 1 to …

Refractive index of plastics

ISO 489
A refractometric method for measuring the refractive index of molded parts, casts, or extruded sheets or films, using a refractometer. The test is suitable for isotropic transparent, translucent, colored and anisotropic materials. The method …

SEC-MALS of high molar weight polymers

SEC-MALS (size exclusion chromatography with multi-angle light scattering) is a polymer analysis method that is used to characterize the molar masses and branching properties of polymers. This analysis gives information about a high …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of textiles

Water vapor transmission rate testing is used to evaluate the breathability of textiles. The ASTM E96 test measures the amount of water vapor that passes through the fabric in a controlled environment. The …

Carbon dioxide (CO2) transmission rate through films and sheeting

ASTM F2476-20
This measurement determines the transmission rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) through a single or multi-layered plastic film or sheeting with an infrared detector. The …

Degree of substitution of chemically modified carbohydrates

Determination of the degree of substitution of chemically modified carbohydrate samples with the 31P NMR method. Suitable for mono-, di-, oligo- and polysaccharides. Price includes sample preparation through …

Recyclability of paper and board - PTS-RH 021:2012 method Category II

Recyclability testing of paper and board packages and graphic print products according to the PTS-RH 021:2012 method (Draft Oct 2019). The following properties are evaluated: Disintegration …

Bulk of paper or board

Bulk is the ratio of paper's or board's thickness to its basis weight.

Cobb–Unger oil absorbance test for paper and board

In this absorption test, castor oil is used to evaluate the oil absorbance of a paper or board product. During the analysis, oil is applied on top of the sample with an L&W Cobb sizing tester, and the mass of oil absorbed by …

Conductivity of aqueous extracts of paper, board or pulp

ISO 6587
With this test, the conductivity of water extraction (hot or cold) from a paper, board, or pulp sample is measured. The extraction is performed with deionized water, therefore the results may vary …

Home compostability

ISO 11268-1, ISO 11268-2, ISO 14855, …
Home composting provides an effective way to manage organic waste on a small scale or within a household setting, involving the transformation of organic matter into compost through the activity …

Manure & compost – Analysis package 1

The basic analysis package for manure or compost includes the analyses listed below: Specific weight, Dry matter, Soluble Nitrogen, Total Nitrogen, P and K. Manure samples should be taken within 1 to 2 weeks of application. Composts may be …

Minimum film formation temperature (MFFT)

ASTM D2354, ISO 2115
MFFT is the lowest temperature at which a latex, emulsion, or adhesive will uniformly coalesce when laid on a substrate as a thin film. An accurate MFFT value allows the formulation of products that …

Peroxide value of fats and oils

EN ISO 3960
The peroxide value (PV) measures the amount of oxygen chemically bound to oil or fat as peroxides, particularly hydroperoxides, as a result of autoxidation reactions. It is an important quality parameter in food and feed …

Refractive index of powder sample

Measurement of the refractive index of powder samples with Becke line microscopic method. The testing is suitable for transparent crystalline material larger than 40 μm.

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of plastic films with the gravimetric dish method

DIN 53122-1
The gravimetric dish method can be used to determine the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of materials that have a high water vapor …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of ultra-high barrier films and sheetings

Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of ultra-high barrier materials. The method can also be used to test moderate barrier materials at high-temperature …

Automotive diesel testing package according to EN 590 standard

EN ISO 10370, EN ISO 12156-1, EN ISO 12185, …
Standard EN 590 outlines the testing requirements and methods for diesel fuel quality testing. The following tests …

Change of dimensions of paper or board upon change in humidity or immersion in water

PN 85/P-50157, PN 92/P-50158
With this test, the dimensional changes of a paper sample are measured after immersion in water. The measurements are …


Volumetric (static) or dynamic (pulse) chemisorption by CO or H2. It is mainly used for the determination of catalyst activity and active sites. When coupled with TPX (temperature programmed experiments, TPO, TPR, TPD), this method can give information about the adsorbed species …

Ethanol testing by EN 15376

The analysis is intended for ethanol used as a blending component for petrol. All the parameters mentioned in standard EN 15376 are included in the analysis.

Fastness to light – Xenotest of paper or board

EN ISO 105-B02, ISO 12040
This test is used to determine the effect of artificial daylight (D65) on the color of paper or board. During the test, the sample is exposed to filtered xenon arc light to …

Gasoline testing package according to EN 228 standard

EN ISO 12185, EN ISO 20846, EN ISO 2160, …
Standard EN 228 outlines the testing requirements and methods for gasoline quality testing. The following tests are included in the …

Grammage of component papers separated from corrugated cardboard

EN ISO 536
Grammage measures the weight of the sample in relation to its area. Grammage values are commonly used to categorize different board and paper grades. In this method, the components …

Identification of an unknown sample

Measurlabs offers tailor-made analysis packages for unidentified samples. Our experts will formulate the needed analysis package based on the information provided by the customer. The formulated package aims to provide sufficient information to …

Lightfastness of textiles according to EN ISO 105-B02 (up to note 6)

EN ISO 105-B02
This test determines the resistance of color of all kinds of textiles to artificial natural daylight (D65) up to note 6 of standard ISO 105-B02.

Lightfastness of textiles according to EN ISO 105-B02 (up to note 7)

EN ISO 105-B02
This test determines the resistance of color of all kinds of textiles to artificial natural daylight (D65) up to note 7 of the standard.

Lightfastness of textiles moistened with artificial sweat

EN ISO 105-B07
This test determines the resistance of color of all kinds of textiles to the combined effect of artificial sweat and artificial daylight (D65).

Magnetometry with a vibrating-sample magnetometer

Magnetometry provides information on the magnetic properties of the sample material as a function of the magnetic field. A vibrating-sample magnetometer (VSM), also referred to as a Foner magnetometer, is used in the …

Manure & compost - Analysis package 2

The basic analysis package for manure or compost includes the analyses listed below: Specific weight, Dry matter, Soluble Nitrogen, Total Nitrogen, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cu, Mn, Zn and B. Manure samples should be taken within 1 to 2 weeks of …

Melting point of fibers and threads

Determination of fiber melting point using the Kofler bench. The maximum testing temperature is 260 °C.

P-Anisidine value of food and feed

The p-Anisidine value is a widely used approximation for the level of secondary oxidation of food and feed. It indicates the amount of aldehydes, principally α,β-unsaturated aldehydes, in fats and oils that have been extracted from a food or feed …

Peroxide value of food and feed

The peroxide value (PV) measures hydroperoxides formed as a result of the autoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in food and feed products. Accumulation of autoxidation products in food and feed affects sensory quality and is potentially harmful to …

Picosecond ultrasonics

It is a non-destructive technique in which picosecond acoustic pulses penetrate into thin films or nanostructures to reveal internal features such as film thickness as well as cracks, delaminations, and voids.

Total oxidation value (TOTOX) of fats and oils

The TOTOX value gives an indication of overall oxidation in fats and oils. It is calculated using indicative values for primary oxidation products (peroxide value) and secondary oxidation products (p-Anisidine value). For TOTOX …

pH of aqueous extracts in cold or hot water extractions of paper, board or pulp

ISO 6588, PN 84/P-50109
With this test, the pH of water extraction (hot or cold) from a paper, board, or pulp sample is measured. The extraction is performed …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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