Laboratory testing services

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IMO 2010 FTPC Part 5 – Test for surface flammability

Surface flammability testing by IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 5 is to be performed on surface materials to assess their suitability for use in shipbuilding. The specimen is inserted in the specimen holder together with a …

IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 2 – Smoke and toxicity test

Smoke and toxicity testing by IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 2 is performed on surface materials to assess their suitability for marine use. The specimen is placed in a horizontal position under a cone radiator inside a …

IMO 2010 FTPC Part 1 – Non-combustibility test

Materials for maritime use are tested according to the IMO 2010 FTP Code (International Maritime Organization Fire Testing Procedures Code). Results can be used for type approval (wheel mark). Part 1 of the code describes the …

IMO 2010 FTPC Part 9 – Test for bedding components

IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 9 fire testing assesses the suitability of bedding components for marine use. Test results can be used for type approval (wheel mark). During testing, the ignitability of mattresses, quilts, blankets, …

IMO 2010 FTPC Part 8 – Test for upholstered furniture

IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 8 testing for upholstered furniture is used to assess the suitability of materials for maritime use. The results can be used for type approval (wheel mark). The testing is performed on the actual …

IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 7 – Test for vertically supported textiles and films

IMO FTP Code 2010 Part 7
Vertically supported textiles and films are to be tested by IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 7 to assess their suitability for marine use. Test …

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