Laboratory testing services

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Transfer of antimicrobial components from paper or board

EN 1104
Accredited laboratory analysis according to the EN 1104 standard to determine the transfer of antimicrobial constituents from paper and board intended for food contact. Paper and board food contact …

Face mask tests according to EN 14683 for type II and type IIR masks

EN 14683, ISO 10993-10, ISO 10993-5, …
We offer comprehensive test packages for verifying the quality of type II and type IIR face masks according to the EN …

Microbiological quality of food, feed, and dietary supplements

Microbiological quality is one of the most important quality assessments performed on food products, as microbiological hazards are among the biggest risk factors considering the general safety of food and …

Microbiology - Enterobacteriaceae

EN ISO 21528-2
Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae (EN ISO 21528). For microbiology analyses, a sample preparation cost of €39 will be invoiced per order.

Bioburden testing by ISO 11737-1, aerobic bacteria and fungi

ISO 11737-1
The term bioburden describes the presence of microorganisms on a product, raw material, or surface. Bioburden testing plays a crucial role in the quality control of medical devices, …

Microbiological examination of pulp, paper, and board

ISO 8784-1, ISO 8784-3
Laboratory analysis for determining the total number of colony-forming units of bacteria and bacterial spores as well as yeast and molds in dry market pulp, paper, and …

Sterility test by ISO 11737-2: Aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria and fungi

ISO 11737-2
Sterility testing measures the growth of microorganisms on a product after the product has been sterilized. ISO 11737-2 is a harmonized standard for evaluating …

Shelf-life study of a food, feed or dietary supplement product

Shelf life refers to the time between the production date and the "best before" or "use by" date of a product. In the EU, the date of minimum durability is mandatory food information for almost all packaged …

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Antibacterial activity on plastic and non-porous surfaces by ISO 22196

ISO 22196
Standard ISO 22196 outlines a method for evaluating the antibacterial activity of plastics and other non-porous surfaces. The procedure involves inoculating a test sample with …

Microbiological analysis of cosmetics according to European Pharmacopoeia

Ph. Eur. 2.6.12., Ph. Eur. 2.6.13.
Microbiological test package for cosmetic products according to European Pharmacopoeia methods EP 2.6.12 and EP 2.6.13. …

Dietary supplement analysis package

EN 15763
Analysis package for dietary supplements. All supplement products must comply with maximum levels for heavy metals lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg), as specified in Commission Regulation (EU) No 2023/915. Microbiological …

Microbial barrier testing by ASTM F1608

ASTM F1608
The ASTM F1608 method is used to determine the passage of airborne bacteria through porous materials used in the packaging of sterile medical devices. With the test, different materials can be compared to determine which …

Antibacterial activity of textiles, Agar method

EN ISO 20645
Determination of the antibacterial activity of textiles and fabrics with the Agar method. This method is suitable for textiles that have not been treated with antibacterial substances that react with Agar.

Nematodes in fishery products

Commission Regulation (EC) No 2074/2005 describes a visual examination of fishery products to determine whether parasites are present. This analysis includes a visual screening of nematodes in fish samples by qualified personnel. Further identification can …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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