Laboratory testing services

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Transfer of antimicrobial components from paper or board

EN 1104
Paper or paperboard that comes into contact with food must not release processing aids that have an antimicrobial effect on food. The requirement is outlined, for example, in German BfR Recommendation …

Face mask type II tests according to EN 14683 standard

EN 14683, ISO 11737-1
Accredited testing of the performance of type II face masks according to EN 14683 standard. The tests include bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE), differential pressure (DP) …


EN ISO 21528-2
Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae (EN ISO 21528). For microbiology analyses, a sample preparation cost of €39 will be invoiced per order.

Bioburden testing by ISO 11737-1, aerobic & anaerobic bacteria and fungi

ISO 11737-1
The term bioburden describes the presence of microorganisms on a product, raw material, or surface. Bioburden testing has an important role in the quality control of …

Dietary supplement contaminant analysis package (extended)

ASU L 00.00-132/2, ASU L 00.00-20, ASU L 00.00-88, …
This contaminant screening of a food supplement includes the following determinations: Heavy metals (As, Cd, …

Microbiological examination of pulp, paper, and board

ISO 8784-1, ISO 8784-3
Laboratory analysis for determining the total number of colony-forming units of bacteria and bacterial spores as well as yeast and molds in dry market pulp, paper, and …

Luminescent bacteria test (freshly prepared bacteria)

ISO 11348-1
Inhibitory effect of water samples on the light emission of Vibrio fischeri (freshly prepared bacteria) according to ISO 11348-1.

Sterility test by ISO 11737-2: Aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria and fungi

ISO 11737-2
Sterility testing measures the growth of microorganisms on a product after the product has been sterilized. ISO 11737-2 is a harmonized standard for evaluating …

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Antibacterial activity of textiles, absorption method

EN ISO 20743
This antibacterial activity test by the ISO 20743 standard is suitable for all textile products, including nonwovens. The method is also applicable to textiles that have been treated with …

Bacterial filtration efficiency

EN 14683
Accredited testing of the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of face masks according to EN 14683 standard.

Face mask type IIR tests according to EN 14683 standard

EN 14683, ISO 11737-1, ISO 22609
Accredited testing of the performance of type II face masks according to EN 14683 standard. The tests include bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE), …

Heterotrophic microbial count at 22 °C

EN ISO 6222
Determination of the heterotrophic microbial count in water samples according to standard method EN ISO 6222. The results of the analysis will be presented in cfu/ml.

Antibacterial activity of textiles, Agar method

EN ISO 20645
Determination of the antibacterial activity of textiles and fabrics with the Agar method. This method is suitable for textiles that have not been treated with antibacterial substances that react with Agar.

Dietary supplement analysis package (basic)

EN 15763
Quality analysis of a food supplement including the following determinations: Heavy metals (As, Cd, Hg, and Pb), Aerobic microbes, E. coli, Salmonella, Coliform bacteria, S. aureus, Yeasts and molds. Upon request, the …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?
  • Do you have a recurring need for these tests? If yes, how often and for how many samples at a time?

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