Laboratory testing services

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Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of plastic films and sheeting

ASTM F1249, ISO 15106-2
Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) according to the ASTM F1249 standard. WVTR describes the amount of water vapor that passes …

Biogenic or biobased carbon content according to ASTM D6866

ASTM D6866
Measurement of biogenic or biobased carbon in the material or product as a percent of the total carbon or total organic carbon in the product. ASTM D6866 outlines two ways of expressing the …

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of plastic films and sheeting

ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927, ASTM F2622-08, …
Determination of the oxygen transmission rate of plastic films and sheet-like materials. The test is performed on two parallel …

Thermal characterization with DSC

EN ISO 11357-1
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is used to determine transition temperatures and enthalpy changes of solid and liquid samples under controlled temperature changes. The analysis can be used to determine the …

Identification of chemical groups with FTIR (solid samples)

Qualitative identification of chemical groups in solid samples by Attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). Results will be delivered as an FTIR spectrum. In addition, a …

CHNOS analysis of organic materials

Determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen content of an organic sample. CHNS analysis (”LECO analysis”) is performed using a flash combustion method, where the sample is combusted under 25 kPa of O2 at an elevated temperature …

Microplastics in natural water or wastewater with the micro-Raman method

Determination of microplastics in wastewater using Raman spectroscopy. The results of the analysis will specify different types of polymers by size, for example, 1–50 µm, 50–100 µm, 100–500 …

SEM-EDX imaging

Imaging of the sample using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or EDS). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. An EDX mapping, line scan, or point measurement is …

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SEM imaging

Imaging of the sample using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. Non-conductive samples can be prepared with a metallic coating to allow imaging. For cross-section measurement, …

1H NMR spectroscopy

1H NMR spectroscopic measurement for samples that can be readily dissolved in deuterated solvents. The price includes sample preparation, deuterated solvent (D2O, DMSO-d, or CDCl3), NMR tube, measurement, and basic data processing. The processed spectrum is delivered …

XRR of thin films or coatings

X-Ray Reflectometry (XRR) analysis is used to measure the density (g/cm3), thickness (nm), and roughness (nm) of thin films. The method is applicable to the characterization of single- or multilayered thin films, as it provides information on the …

Microplastics in clean water samples or bottles (ISO/DIS 16094-2)

ISO/DIS 16094-2
Determination of microplastic content in clean water samples with vibrational spectroscopy methods. The analytical report will list different types of polymers detected and …

Phthalates analysis package (REACH)

Phthalates are a group of chemicals widely used as plasticizers, which make plastics more flexible and durable. Phthalates have also been used as additives in products such as cosmetics and personal care items. Several phthalates have been …

13C NMR spectroscopy

Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy measurement for samples that can be dissolved in deuterated solvents. The price includes sample preparation, deuterated solvent (D2O, DMSO-d, or CDCl3), NMR tube, measurement, and basic data processing. The results are delivered as an image …

Heavy metal content according to Directive 94/62/EC and the PPWR

Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste limits the content of heavy metals such that the sum of the concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) …

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of packages

ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927
This test is designed to measure the oxygen transmission rate of finished packages, including cups, bottles, trays, and containers. Two replica measurements are included in the displayed …

Metal screening by ICP-SFMS (semi-quantitative)

This metal screening analysis includes the semi-quantitative determination of 70 elements. The method can be used, for example, to determine the background concentrations of metals in environmental samples or to study the …

Total organic fluorine (TOF) content in challenging sample materials (chemicals, oils, etc.)

ASTM D7359
Determination of the total organic fluorine (TOF) content in combustible materials by combustion ion chromatography (CIC). TOF analysis gives …

Mineral oil (MOSH/POSH and MOAH) hydrocarbon content in non-food samples

Determination of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) with polyolefin oligomeric saturated hydrocarbons (POSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in various matrices, …

Total fluorine content in plastic

EN 15408
Determination of total fluorine (F) content in plastic according to the EN 15408 mod. method. The fluorine content of the sample is obtained using oxygen bomb combustion treatment followed by ion chromatography (IC). Possible sample …

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

XPS is a semi-quantitative technique that allows the measurement of the elemental composition of the surface of materials. In addition, it can also determine the binding state of the atoms. XPS is a surface-sensitive technique. Typical …

Microplastics with py-GC/MS, clean water samples

Measurement to determine ten common plastic types (PE, PP, PS, ABS, PVC, PET, PC, PMMA, PA6, PA66) with pyrolysis-GC/MS. In the method, microplastics are separated from the sample and reported in µg/l of individual polymer …

Impact strength of plastics - Charpy and Izod methods

DIN 53435, EN ISO 180, ISO 179
The impact strength of rigid plastics can be measured with the Charpy and Izod methods. In these tests, a pendulum is used to break the sample specimen. 10 …

Microplastics with py-GC/MS, typical wastewater samples

The measurement determines ten common plastic types (PE, PP, PS, ABS, PVC, PET, PC, PMMA, PA6, PA66) with pyrolysis-GC/MS. In the method, microplastics are separated from the sample and reported in µg/l of individual …

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling

In XPS depth profiling, ion gun etching cycles and XPS analysis cycles are alternated to obtain semi-quantitative information on the elemental composition (at.%) of the sample as a function of depth. The binding …

Elemental analysis of plastics and polymers by ICP-SFMS (selected elements)

The measurement is performed using a high-resolution ICP-MS technique (ICP-SFMS), which can identify very low elemental concentrations. The measurement includes only the selected element …

Total organic fluorine (TOF) content in paper, polymers, and textiles

Determination of total organic fluorine (TOF) in paper, polymers, and textiles TOF analysis gives information about the total amount of organic fluorinated compounds. It can also be used to …

Compression strength of plastics

ISO 604
This test is used to determine the compression properties of rigid and semi-rigid plastics according to the ISO 604 standard. A range of test speeds and specimen dimensions are included in the standard method. For comparative results, …

Flexural properties of plastics - 3-point bend test by ISO 178

ISO 178
Determination of the flexural properties of rigid and semi-rigid plastics and composite materials using 3-point bending tests according to the ISO 178 standard. Results include the following …

Isothiazolinone content

EN 645, EN 647
Determination of isothiazolinones in consumer goods. Isothiazolinones are common preservatives (biocides) in cosmetics, chemical formulations, and printing inks. The following isothiazolinones are included in the analysis: …

Tensile properties of rigid plastics by ISO 527-2

ISO 527-2
Tensile test for extrusion and injection molded plastics at room temperature. The test characterizes the tensile modulus, yield point, and point of break in accordance with the EN ISO 527-2 standard. The …

Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) of plastics

ISO 75
Heat deflection temperature (HDT), also known as heat distortion temperature, describes the plastic's resistance to deformation by a given load at an elevated temperature. It can also give insight into the injection …

Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) in plastic

Determination of selected PFAS compounds using the LC-MS technique. The analysis package includes the determination of 32 substances including Perfluorooctane sulphonic acid (PFOS), Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and …

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in plastic and rubber (AfPS GS 2019:01 PAK)

AfPS GS2019
Content of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in plastic and rubber and products made from them (e.g., toys, kitchenware) according to AfPS GS …

Density determination of plastics and polymers

ISO 1183-1
In this analysis, the density of plastics and polymers is determined by the immersion method specified in part A of the ISO 1183-1 standard. The method is suitable for plastic granulates and for products and …

Phthalates analysis (extended package)

Extended analysis package for phthalates in various matrices using the GC-MS technique. Phthalates are a group of chemicals widely used as plasticizers, which make plastics more flexible and durable. Phthalates are also found as additives in …

Ultimate aerobic biodegradation in composting conditions

ISO 14855
This analysis is used to assess the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of materials in controlled composting conditions by the ISO 14855 standard. Testing is most typically performed on …

XPS peak deconvolution - binding state of atoms

XPS is a semi-quantitative technique allowing to measure the elemental composition of the surface of materials. In addition, it can also determine the binding state of the atoms. If you wish to perform this test, please ask the …

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) analysis of solid samples

GC-MS analysis of 16 PAH compounds, which are listed as high-priority pollutants by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The analyzed PAH compounds are: naphthalene [CAS: 91-20-3], …

Tensile properties of plastic films by ISO 527-3

ISO 527-3
This tensile test by the ISO 527-3 standard is intended for determining the tensile properties of plastic films and sheeting. It is particularly suited for thin plastic films with high elongation. Determinable …

Thermal conductivity of plastics - Transient plane source (TPS) method

ISO 22007-2
Measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of plastic materials according to the ISO 22007-2 standard. Specific heat capacity per unit volume can be …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of ultra-high barrier films and sheetings

Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of ultra-high barrier materials. The method can also be used to test moderate barrier materials at high-temperature …

Compostability in an industrial compost

EN 13432, EN 14995, ISO 11268-1, …
Testing package to assess the industrial compostability of materials or products following international protocols, such as EN 13432 for packaging, EN 14995 for plastic …

Dynamic viscosity determination – rotary rheometer

Determination of the dynamic shear viscosity using a rotary rheometer. The displayed price includes a shear rate ramp test at a specified temperature. Please specify the following upon ordering the test: desired testing …

Focused ion beam (FIB) preparation

Hardness of plastics

EN ISO 868, ISO 2039-1
This test can be used to determine the hardness of plastics with the ball indentation (ISO 2039-1) or Shore hardness (ISO 868) method. Testing is performed at room temperature and includes three measurements per sample. …

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in plastic and rubber (REACH)

Analysis of PAH compounds from plastic and rubber as well as products made from these raw materials (e.g., textiles, toys, packaging materials) as required by REACH. Test package includes the …

Solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy

Solid state carbon-13 (13C) NMR spectroscopy measurement for solid fine powder samples. The price includes an NMR tube, measurement, and basic data processing. Any possible grinding or ball milling needs to be done before delivering samples to …

Vertical burning test for plastics with 50 W flame - UL 94

IEC 60695-11-10, UL 94
In the test, a vertically oriented test specimen is exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 50 W. Together with the horizontal burning …

Vicat softening point of plastics

ISO 306
The Vicat softening point is the temperature at which a flat-pointed needle penetrates the sample to a thickness of 1 mm when loaded with a 10 N or 50 N load. In the test, the sample is placed in an oil bath that is heated at a rate of …

Vinyl chloride content in plastics

Determination of vinyl chloride [CAS: 75-01-4] content in plastics. Both the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have identified vinyl chloride as a carcinogen. According to Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 …

Biobased carbon content according to EN 16640

EN 16640
Measurement performed by the EN 16640 standard, using the radiocarbon method to determine the biobased carbon content of a product. The proportion of biobased carbon (also known as biogenic carbon) is expressed in …

Carbon dioxide (CO2) transmission rate through films and sheeting

ASTM F2476-20
This measurement determines the transmission rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) through a single or multi-layered plastic film or sheeting with an infrared detector. The measurement …

Lignin ash content

NREL/TP -510-42622
Lignin sample ash content measurement at 525°C. The result is expressed as a mass percentage of the ash from the initial sample on a dry matter basis.

Optical profilometry

Measurement of surface profile, roughness or edge sharpness by optical profilometry.

Tensile properties of fiber reinforced composites by ISO 527-4

EN ISO 527-4
This method is used to study the tensile properties of isotropic and orthotropic fiber-reinforced plastic composites according to the ISO 527-4 standard. 3 repeat tests are included. …

Aerobic biodegradation in soil

ISO 17556
A biodegradation analysis for determining how materials decompose in soil, conforming to the ISO 17556 standard. This standard is specific to aerobic biodegradation in soil environments, where organic materials are broken down into …

Horizontal burning test for foamed plastics - UL 94

UL 94
In this test, a horizontally oriented test specimen is exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 50 W after being conditioned as per the UL 94 standard. This test is used to classify …

Refractive index of plastics

ISO 489
A test based on the ISO 489 standard for measuring the refractive index of molded plastic parts, casts, or extruded sheets or films. Testing is performed using a refractometer, and the results can be used, for example, to verify purity and …

SEC-MALS of high molar weight polymers

SEC-MALS (size exclusion chromatography with multi-angle light scattering) is a polymer analysis method that is used to characterize the molar masses and branching properties of polymers. This analysis gives information about a high …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of textiles

Water vapor transmission rate testing is used to evaluate the breathability of textiles. The ASTM E96 test measures the amount of water vapor that passes through the fabric in a controlled environment. The …

Ash content of paper, board or pulp

The test determines the ash content of paper, board, and pulp upon being ignited at 525 °C. The results express the mass of the inorganics in your sample.

Group delay dispersion (GDD) and group velocity dispersion (GVD)

Group delay dispersion (GDD) and group velocity dispersion (GVD) are critical parameters for understanding how the propagation time and speed of light pulses change with frequency or wavelength as they …

Home compostability

ISO 11268-1, ISO 11268-2, ISO 14855, …
Home composting provides an effective way to manage organic waste on a small scale or within a household setting, involving the transformation of organic matter into compost through the activity …

Horizontal burning test for plastics - UL 94

IEC 60695-11-10, UL 94
In this test, a horizontally oriented test specimen is exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 50 W. Together with other UL 94 tests, the results are used …

Hot-stage microscopy (HSM)

Hot-stage microscopy (HSM) analysis enables the direct visualization of materials under controlled temperature conditions. Capabilities include: Examining compound morphology and particle characteristics., Observing solid-solid transformations, …

Microplastics in natural water or wastewater with the micro-FTIR method

Determination of microplastics in wastewater using FTIR microspectroscopy. The results of the analysis will specify different types of polymers by size, for example, 1–50 µm, 50–100 µm, 100–500 …

Minimum film formation temperature (MFFT)

ASTM D2354, ISO 2115
MFFT is the lowest temperature at which a latex, emulsion, or adhesive will uniformly coalesce when laid on a substrate as a thin film. An accurate MFFT value allows the formulation of products that …

Surface burning test for plastics with 500 W flame - UL 94

IEC 60695-11-20, UL 94
In this test, a vertically oriented test specimen is exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 500 W. Together with the horizontal …

Artificial weathering in fluorescent UV chamber

1000 hours of exposure in QUV accelerated artificial weathering, including measurement of L* a* b* color coordinates and calculation of ΔE*ab

Dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) in plastic, paper, and rubber

Analysis for quantifying dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) in various packaging materials (e.g. food and cosmetics packaging) and their raw materials, including plastics, paper, and rubber. Dioxins and furans are a …

Puncture resistance of rigid plastics by ISO 6603-2

ISO 6603-2
This test is used to determine the puncture properties of rigid plastics. During the test, a flat sample specimen is punctured by a falling impact object (from 1 m at a speed of 4.4 m/s) while the force …

Rubber abrasion resistance by ISO 4649

ISO 4649
In this abrasion resistance test, the volume loss that a test piece experiences when subjected to abrasive action is measured. A specified grade of abrasive sheet and a non-rotating test piece are used. The result can be …

Solution viscosity - capillary viscometry

ISO 1628
Solution viscosity is determined according to the ISO 1628 standard using a capillary viscometer. The method measures the resistance of a polymer solution to flow by recording the time it takes for a specific volume of …

Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of films and sheetings with the gravimetric dish method

DIN 53122-1
The gravimetric dish method can be used to determine the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of materials that have a high water vapor …

Artificial weathering in Xenon-arc chamber (Coated panel)

1000 hours of exposure in QSUN xenon-arc chamber with filter Daylight Q (daylight SPD)

Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)

Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) is used to analyze the elemental composition of materials. AES is a surface-sensitive technique (3-9 nm) which is used for depth profiling, providing analysis of the elemental composition in depth. Secondary electron …

Biobased carbon content according to ISO 16620

ISO 16620
The biobased carbon content is either reported as a fraction of the total organic carbon (TOC) or total carbon (TC). The price is for non-volatile samples. If your sample is volatile, please discuss the …

Biomass fraction of CO2 emissions for carbon emissions trading

ASTM D6866
Determination of the biomass fraction of CO2 emissions generated from mixed fuel incineration, as required by the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). CO2 originating from non-fossil …

Coefficient of friction of plastic films

ISO 8295
The method measures the coefficients of starting and sliding friction of plastic films and sheeting when sliding over the same or another material. The testing procedure is based on the ISO 8295 standard. The measurement …

Comprehensive soil biodegradation study

ISO 11268-1, ISO 11268-2, ISO 15685, …
This analysis package is used to determine the biodegradability of materials in soil. The results can be used to evaluate the environmental impact of the product. …

Polymer characterization by NMR

NMR can be used to identify the type(s) of polymer(s) in a sample by studying the unique response of their nuclei to an applied magnetic field. This technique can be used to characterize a completely unknown polymer or a blend of polymers. NMR can also …

Short chain branching of HDPE by 13C-NMR

Use of 13C-NMR to identify the type and relative quantity of short-chain branching in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) samples. The prevalence of short-chain branching can have major effects on the properties of HDPE materials such as …

Surface and volume resistivity of plastics

EN 62631-3-1, EN 62631-3-2
These analyses (IEC EN 62631-3-1 and IEC EN 62631-3-2) measure the resistive properties of solid plastics under direct current (DC) conditions. Flat plates of the sample are placed …

Tacticity of polymers by NMR

Polymer tacticity (isotactic, syndiotactic, or atactic) can be studied using differing NMR techniques suitable for different polymer types. Polypropylene (PP) is analyzed using 1H-NMR and can be combined with 2D experiments such as COSY-NMR for more …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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