Laboratory testing services
Browse by category or use filters to find the right test for your needs.Sensory analysis – transfer of odor and flavor from food contact materials (DIN 10955)
DIN 10955, DIN 10955:2024
Standard DIN 10955 specifies test methods for the sensory analysis of food contact materials and articles that are …
Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of plastic films and sheeting
ASTM F1249, ISO 15106-2
Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) according to the ASTM F1249 standard. WVTR describes the amount of water vapor that passes …
Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of plastic films and sheeting
ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927, ASTM F2622-08, …
Determination of the oxygen transmission rate of plastic films and sheet-like materials. The test is performed on two parallel …
Overall migration testing – simulant E (Tenax)
EN 1186, EN 1186-1, EN 1186-13
Overall migration (OM) into simulant E (Tenax) measures the sum of volatile and semi-volatile compounds that migrate from a food contact material into food via the gas …
CHNOS analysis of organic materials
Determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen content of an organic sample. CHNS analysis (”LECO analysis”) is performed using a flash combustion method, where the sample is combusted under 25 kPa of O2 at an elevated temperature …
Sensory analysis – odor and flavor (EN 1230-1 and -2)
EN 1230-1, EN 1230-2
Standards EN 1230-1 and EN 1230-2 specify the testing procedure for assessing the odor and flavor released by food contact materials made of paper or board. This analysis applies …
SEM imaging
Imaging of the sample using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Typically, several images are taken with varying magnifications to get a good overview of the sample. Non-conductive samples can be prepared with a metallic coating to allow imaging. For cross-section measurement, …
Volatile organic compound (VOC) screening of packaging materials (extended package)
Screening of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from paper, board, and plastics. The method can be used to analyze volatile residues from printed packaging as well as to measure …
Transfer of antimicrobial components from paper or board
EN 1104
Accredited laboratory analysis according to the EN 1104 standard to determine the transfer of antimicrobial constituents from paper and board intended for food contact. Paper and board food contact …
Elements (Cd, Al, Hg, Pb) in aqueous extracts of paper and board
EN 645, EN 647
This measurement detects the migration of heavy metals and aluminum to cold water from paper or board intended as food contact material. The method is suitable for the …
Phthalates analysis package (REACH)
Phthalates are a group of chemicals widely used as plasticizers, which make plastics more flexible and durable. They have also been used as additives in products such as cosmetics and personal care items. Several phthalates have been identified as …
Heavy metal content according to Directive 94/62/EC and the PPWR
Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste limits the content of heavy metals such that the sum of the concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) …
Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of paper and board
ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927
Determination of the oxygen transmission rate of paper and cardboard materials. The test is performed on three identical samples to ensure repeatability. Measurement conditions …
Formaldehyde content in extracts of paper and board
EN 1541, EN 645, EN 647
Determination of formaldehyde (CAS 50-00-0) content in cold or hot water extracts of paper or board. The method is suitable, for example, for an analysis of formaldehyde …
Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of packages
ASTM D3985, ASTM F1927
This test is designed to measure the oxygen transmission rate of finished packages, including cups, bottles, trays, and containers. Two replica measurements are included in the displayed …
Metal screening by ICP-SFMS (semi-quantitative)
This metal screening analysis includes the semi-quantitative determination of 70 elements. The method can be used, for example, to determine the background concentrations of metals in environmental samples or to study the …
Mineral oil (MOSH/POSH and MOAH) hydrocarbon content in non-food samples
Determination of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) with polyolefin oligomeric saturated hydrocarbons (POSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in various matrices, …
Total organic fluorine (TOF) content in challenging sample materials (chemicals, oils, etc.)
ASTM D7359
Determination of the total organic fluorine (TOF) content in combustible materials by combustion ion chromatography (CIC). TOF analysis gives …
Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of paper and board
ASTM F1249
Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) according to the ASTM F1249 standard. WVTR describes the amount of water vapor that passes through a material over a set period. It is an …
Specific migration of mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH/POSH and MOAH)
EN 13130-1, EN 14338
Specific migration of mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH), including mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) with polyolefin oligomeric hydrocarbons (POSH) and …
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
XPS is a semi-quantitative technique that allows the measurement of the elemental composition of the surface of materials. In addition, it can also determine the binding state of the atoms. XPS is a surface-sensitive technique. Typical …
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling
In XPS depth profiling, ion gun etching cycles and XPS analysis cycles are alternated to obtain semi-quantitative information on the elemental composition (at.%) of the sample as a function of depth. The binding …
1,3-DCP and 3-MCPD in aqueous extract of paper and board
Epichlorohydrin is a highly reactive electrophilic compound used to produce glycerol, plastics, epoxy glues and resins, epoxy diluents, and elastomers. The compound is included under 'Sizing agents' in the positive …
CEPI recyclability of paper and board
Recyclability testing of paper and cardboard according to the CEPI recyclability laboratory test method (version 3, February 2025). Testing includes: Disintegration, Filtrate analysis, Determination of the coarse reject, Determination of the …
Color fastness of dyed paper and board in contact with food
EN 646
This test is used to evaluate the color fastness of dyed or printed paper or board that is intended to come into contact with food. The applied simulants are Olive oil, 3% acetic acid, Alkaline salt …
Total organic fluorine (TOF) content in paper, polymers, and textiles
Determination of total organic fluorine (TOF) in paper, polymers, and textiles TOF analysis gives information about the total amount of organic fluorinated compounds. It can also be used to …
Water absorbance of paper or board with the Cobb method
ISO 535
This Cobb test measures the water absorption properties of paper and board. The method is not suitable for grades with grammage less than 50 g/m2 or embossed paper. It is also unsuitable for highly …
Elemental analysis of plastics and polymers by ICP-SFMS (selected elements)
The measurement is performed using a high-resolution ICP-MS technique (ICP-SFMS), which can identify very low elemental concentrations. The measurement includes only the selected element …
Isothiazolinone content
EN 645, EN 647
Determination of isothiazolinones in consumer goods. Isothiazolinones are common preservatives (biocides) in cosmetics, chemical formulations, and printing inks. The following isothiazolinones are included in the analysis: …
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) content in paper and board
DIN 53313, ISO 15320
Pentachlorophenol (PCP, CAS 87-86-5) is a compound that is used as a pesticide and a wood preservative. It is listed as a persistent organic pollutant in Annex I of the EU POPs …
Transfer of optical brighteners from paper and board
EN 648
Determination of the transfer speed of optical brightening agents (OBAs), also known as fluorescent whitening agents, from paper and board. The test is performed against UV light to provide a rating for the …
Microbiological examination of pulp, paper, and board
ISO 8784-1, ISO 8784-3
Laboratory analysis for determining the total number of colony-forming units of bacteria and bacterial spores as well as yeast and molds in dry market pulp, paper, and …
Specific migration testing – C16-C18 dialkylketones (DAKs) of alkyl ketene dimer (AKD)
Specific migration of dialkyl ketones (DAKs) that originate from alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) hydrophobic sizing agent of paper and board. According to BfR XXXVI …
Grease resistance of paper or board with the KIT test
This test follows the TAPPI Test Method T559. It assesses how fluorochemicals, or other surface treatment chemicals, which can make paper both resistant to oil (organophobic) and water (hydrophobic), …
Phthalates and plasticizer analysis (extended package)
Extended analysis package for phthalates in various matrices using the GC-MS technique. Phthalates are a group of chemicals widely used as plasticizers, which make plastics more flexible and durable. Phthalates are …
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) analysis of solid samples
GC-MS analysis of 16 PAH compounds, which are listed as high-priority pollutants by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The analyzed PAH compounds are: naphthalene [CAS: 91-20-3], …
XPS peak deconvolution - binding state of atoms
XPS is a semi-quantitative technique allowing to measure the elemental composition of the surface of materials. In addition, it can also determine the binding state of the atoms. If you wish to perform this test, please ask the …
Grammage of paper and board
EN ISO 536
Determination of the grammage of paper, board and corrugated board.
Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of ultra-high barrier films and sheetings
Determination of the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of ultra-high barrier materials. The method can also be used to test moderate barrier materials at high-temperature …
Glyoxal in aqueous extract of paper and board
DIN 54603
Glyoxal (CAS 107-22-2) can be used as a cross-linker in paper, board, corrugated board, and textile products. According to German BfR Recommendation XXXVI on paper and board food contact materials, the extract of …
Glutaraldehyde content in paper and board
EN 645, EN 647
Glutaraldehyde is a slimicide used to control microbial growth in paper and paperboard packaging. Its use in food packaging is allowed according to BfR XXXVI, however, no more than 2 mg of glutaraldehyde must …
Lignin ash content
NREL/TP -510-42622
Lignin sample ash content measurement at 525°C. The result is expressed as a mass percentage of the ash from the initial sample on a dry matter basis.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in paper and board (REACH)
Analysis of PAH compounds from paper and board as well as products made from these raw materials (e.g., packaging materials) as required by the REACH regulation. The test package includes the following …
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in paper and paperboard (AfPS GS 2019:01 PAK)
AfPS GS2019
Content of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in paper and paperboard according to AfPS GS 2019:01 PAK. The test package includes the following …
Carbon dioxide (CO2) transmission rate of films and sheeting
ASTM F2476-20
This measurement determines the transmission rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) through a single or multi-layered plastic film or sheeting with an infrared detector. The measurement is …
ISO brightness of paper or paperboard
ISO 2470-1
The method measures the diffuse blue light reflectance factor of paper and board by the ISO 2470-1 standard. The test is limited to white and near-white samples. The measurement is used to determine the whiteness level of …
Isocyanate content
EN 13130-8
Isocyanates are used as monomers in adhesives and polyurethane plastics. Isocyanates that have been approved for use in food contact materials belong to Restriction Group (17) in Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011. These substances have a group …
Recyclability of paper and board - PTS-RH 021:2012 method Category II
Recyclability testing of paper and board packages according to the PTS-RH 021:2012 method (Draft Oct 2019). The following properties are evaluated: Disintegration behavior and recyclable content, …
Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of textiles
Water vapor transmission rate testing is used to evaluate the breathability of textiles. The ASTM E96 test measures the amount of water vapor that passes through the fabric in a controlled environment. The …
Bending stiffness of corrugated cardboard
Bending stiffness testing is performed to evaluate cardboard's stiffness by measuring the resistance to bending with 4-point loading.
The results express the bending stiffness of the material in the machine direction and the cross …
Bisphenol S content
Determination of bisphenol S content in various matrices, including: Consumer goods made from plastic, elastomers, and rubber, Food packaging (plastic, paper, multi-materials). Testing is recommended especially for paper and board food packaging that contains recycled …
Extractable primary aromatic amines in paper, board, and pulp
EN 645, EN 647
Testing for the release of primary aromatic amines (PAA) classified as CMR 1A or 1B according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. Extraction is performed with either cold water (EN …
Opacity of paper or board
ISO 2471
The ISO 2471 standard is followed to determine the opacity (paper backing) of paper by diffuse reflectance. The test is suitable for papers and boards that contain fluorescent whitening agents, as long as the UV content of the radiation incident …
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in paper and board
ISO 15318
Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in paper and board. The following substances are included in the test package: PCB 18, PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 138, PCB 153, PCB 180.
Roughness of paper or board
The most typical test methods to determine the roughness of paper or board are: - The Bendtsen method (ISO 8791-2) - For papers and boards with a Bendtsen value between 5 and 3000 ml/min. The test is not suitable for papers with high air permeability. - …
Tearing resistance of paper
ISO 1974
This method determines the tearing resistance of low-grammage paper or board with the Elmendorf method.
During the test, an initial cut is made on the test specimen. This cut is then torn for a given distance using a pendulum. The work …
Tensile strength (TEA) of paper and paperboard
This test is used to measure the tensile strength and elongation of paper or board in the machine direction (MD) and the cross direction (CD).
Even small variations in tensile strength can affect the functionality of the product. …
Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of films and sheetings with the gravimetric dish method
DIN 53122-1
The gravimetric dish method can be used to determine the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of materials that have a high water vapor …
Air permeability of paper or board
Air permeability is an important property for some paper grades, such as paper bags that are filled industrially. Measurlabs offers air permeance testing with the Bendtsen and Gurley methods. The Bendtsen method (ISO 5636-3) is suitable for papers …
Aromatic amines derived from azo dyes
EN 14362-1
Determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo dyes in accordance with the standard EN 14362-1.
Ash content of paper, board or pulp
The test determines the ash content of paper, board, and pulp upon being ignited at 525 °C. The results express the mass of the inorganics in your sample.
Cobb–Unger oil absorbance test for paper and board
ISO 535
In this absorption test, castor oil is used to evaluate the oil absorbance of a paper or board product. During the analysis, oil is applied on top of the sample with an L&W Cobb sizing tester, and the mass of …
Fiber furnish analysis with the Herzberg staining test
ISO 9184-3
The Herzberg staining test by the ISO 9184-3 standard is used to determine the main fiber content of paper and board. In the test, a saturated solution of zinc chloride, iodine, and potassium …
Grease resistance of paper or board with palm oil method
The grease resistance of paper and board is determined by establishing the time taken for a simulated “fat material” (palm kernel oil) to penetrate (break through) the sheet of paper or board. The …
Puncture resistance of corrugated cardboard
ISO 3036
In this test, a pyramid-shaped puncture head is used to measure the puncture resistance of a board sample. During this process, combined tensile, compression, flexural, and shear forces occur. The result is given as the …
Short-span compression test (SCT) for paper or board
SCT (short-span compression test) is one of the most commonly used testing methods for determining the compression strength of paper or cardboard.
In this test, the sample is conditioned in standard conditions (23 …
2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (DIPN) content in paper and board
EN 14719
Analysis of 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (CAS: 24157-81-1, DIPN) content in paper and board intended for food contact. DIPN is most often found in materials containing recycled fibers. According …
Acid insoluble ash content of paper or board
ISO 776
This test is used to determine the quantity of acid-insoluble ash in paper, board, or pulp samples. Testing is performed according to the ISO 776 standard.
Bisphenol A, B, F, S, and AF content
Analysis package for quantifying the following bisphenol compounds: bisphenol A (BPA) [CAS: 80-05-7], bisphenol B (BPB) [CAS: 77-40-7], bisphenol F (BPF) [CAS: 620-92-8], bisphenol S (BPS) [CAS: 80-09-1], bisphenol AF (BPAF) [CAS: 1478-61-1]. …
Conductivity of aqueous extracts of paper, board or pulp
ISO 6587
With this test, performed according to the ISO 6587 standard, the conductivity of water extracts (hot or cold) from a paper, board, or pulp sample is measured. The extraction is performed with …
Dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) in plastic, paper, and rubber
Analysis for quantifying dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) in various packaging materials (e.g. food and cosmetics packaging) and their raw materials, including plastics, paper, and rubber. Dioxins and furans are a …
Pin adhesion test (PAT) of corrugated cardboard
PN 87/P-50143/07
The pin adhesion test measures the bond strength between the corrugated medium and the liner. It is used to analyze the strength of adhesives.
Upon request, the measurement can be performed on …
Scott bond internal strength of paper or board
The Scott bond test measures the energy required to rapidly delaminate a sheet-type specimen. A z-directional rupture is initiated by the impact of a pendulum having both a controlled mass and a controlled …
Single-use plastic food contact materials (FCM) – EU compliance testing package
DIN 10955:2024, EN 1186-1, EN 1186-2, …
General compliance testing package for single-use plastic food contact materials (FCMs) by regulation …
Volatile organic compound (VOC) screening of packaging materials
Screening of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from paper, board, and plastics. The method can be used to analyze volatile residues from printed packaging. For evaluation of recycling process efficiency, …
Anthraquinone content in paper and paperboard
Anthraquinone is an additive used in paper pulp manufacturing processes. According to BfR XXXVI, the application of anthraquinone as an additive to raw material is no longer recommended.
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) is used to analyze the elemental composition of materials. AES is a surface-sensitive technique (3-9 nm) which is used for depth profiling, providing analysis of the elemental composition in depth. Secondary electron …
CIE whiteness of paper or paperboard
The CIE whiteness test measures the whiteness of paper or board under the CIE D65 daylight standard. The method gives the complete visible spectral range (VIS) information about whiteness, unlike the ISO ( ISO 2470 ) method, which operates only …
Concora medium test (CMT30) for flutings
This method is used to determine the flat crush resistance of a corrugating medium after being fluted to A-flute geometry with a laboratory fluting device.
The Concora corrugating medium test can be used for any corrugating medium that …
Folding endurance of paper and board
This test is used to determine the folding endurance of paper or board using the Köhler-Molin, Lhomargy, MIT, and Schopper testers.
During the test, a narrow strip of paper is folded forwards and backward in a standardized manner, so that it …
Food contact compliance testing of single-use nitrile gloves (BfR XXI/1)
DIN 10955, EN 1186-1, EN 1186-2, …
Test package for single-use nitrile gloves to assess food contact compliance (for all foodstuffs) according to Germany's …
Grease resistance of paper or board with the turpentine method
This test determines the penetration of greases and oil, commonly found in foodstuffs. The test can be used to evaluate and grade the usability of greaseproof papers and vegetable …
Horizontal impact test for corrugated cardboard
ISO 2244
Horizontal impact testing by the ISO 2244 standard is used to determine the effect of a vertical impact on the horizontal edge of finished and filled cardboard containers. In the test, the packaging is placed on a …
Kappa number of paper, board, or pulp according to ISO 302
ISO 302
The Kappa number describes the lignin content or bleachability of pulp. With this test, the kappa number is determined as per the ISO 302 standard, which applies to all kinds of chemical and …
Nitrogen (N2) and helium (He) transmission rate of films and sheeting
ISO 15105-1
Determination of the nitrogen or helium transmission rate of plastic films and sheet-like materials with the manometric method. Testing is performed on three parallel …
Recyclability of paper and board - Aticelca 501:2023
Recyclability testing of paper and cardboard packaging according to the Aticelca 501:2023 method. The method is based on the Italian UNI 11743: 2019 standard. The following properties are evaluated: Disintegration …
Ring crush test (RCT) of liners
This test is used to evaluate the compressive strength of paper and board with the ring crush method. Testing is particularly useful when determining the usability of shipping containers made from fiberboard.
Specific migration testing – photoinitiators
Photoinitiators are substances that are added to printing inks to initiate the curing process upon exposure to UV light. These substances are also potential contaminants in recycled fibers. The compliance of materials can be …
Water resistance of the glue bond in corrugated board
ISO 3038
This test, performed by the ISO 3038 standard, is used to evaluate the strength of a glue bond in corrugated cardboard after being immersed in water. The test is especially useful for assessing …
Wood for food contact - compliance testing package
CEN/TR 14823, DIN 10955, EN 1541
As there is no harmonized EU regulation for using wood in food contact applications, compliance should be assessed based on other resources, such as the …
Yellowness of paper or board
DIN 6167
The influence of factors such as temperature, chemical reactions, and radiation can turn white or colorless materials such as art equipment, paper, and paints yellow. The yellowness number indicates the change in the yellow value of a …
Type of testing
Industry or material
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