Laboratory testing services

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EN 13501-1: Fire classification of construction materials and building elements

EN 13501-1
Fire classification of construction materials is generally performed by the European classification standard EN 13501-1. The price displayed on this page …

EN 13823: Fire testing with a Single Burning Item (SBI)

EN 13823
This test is used to assess the reaction of building products (excluding flooring) to fire when exposed to a thermal attack by a single burning item (SBI). In the test, the spread of flames and smoke …

EN ISO 11925-2: Ignitability with a small flame

EN ISO 11925-2
This test measures the ignitability of building materials when exposed to a small flame. The main purpose of the test is to classify building products according to Euroclass B, Bfl, BL, C, Cfl, CL, D, …

EN ISO 1716: Gross heat of combustion (calorific value)

EN ISO 1716
This method is used to determine the gross heat of combustion of solid building products at constant volume in a bomb calorimeter. Results are reported in J/kg. If the product is non-homogeneous, …

EN ISO 1182: Non-combustibility test

EN ISO 1182
This test is used to evaluate the non-combustible properties of construction materials. The test is included in the EN 13501-1 fire classification standard for classifications A1, A2, A1fl, A2fl, A1L, and A2L. When aiming …

IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 2 – Smoke and toxicity test

Smoke and toxicity testing by IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 2 is performed on surface materials to assess their suitability for marine use. The specimen is placed in a horizontal position under a cone radiator inside a …

IMO 2010 FTPC Part 5 – Test for surface flammability

Surface flammability testing by IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 5 is to be performed on surface materials to assess their suitability for use in shipbuilding. The specimen is inserted in the specimen holder together with a …

EN ISO 9239-1: Reaction to fire tests for flooring

EN ISO 9239-1
Fire testing according to EN ISO 9239-1 is used to evaluate the ability of flooring to withstand flames and radiant heat. Flame spread, smoke generation, and lowest radiant heat to sustain burning …

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IMO 2010 FTPC Part 9 – Test for bedding components

IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 9 fire testing assesses the suitability of bedding components for marine use. Test results can be used for type approval (wheel mark). During testing, the ignitability of mattresses, quilts, blankets, …

Horizontal flame propagation according to UN/ECE Regulation No. 118, Annex 6

ECE R118 annex 6
The burning rate of horizontally mounted materials designed to be used in vehicles and buses must be tested with the UN/ECE R118 annex 6 test before they …

Melting behavior of fusible materials according to UN/ECE Regulation No. 118, Annex 7

ECE R118 annex 7
The melting behavior of fusible materials used in certain motor vehicles must be determined according to Annex 7 of UN/ECE Regulation 118. …

Vertical flame spread according to UN/ECE Regulation No. 118, Annex 8

ECE R118
The burning rate of vertically mounted materials designed for vehicles and buses must be tested with the UN/ECE R118 Annex 8 test before approval for use. Measurlabs offers this …

Ignitability of upholstered furniture by EN 1021-1 and EN 1021-2

EN 1021-1, EN 1021-2
Parts 1 and 2 of the EN 1021 standard are used to assess the ignitability of upholstered seating. A smoldering cigarette and match-flame equivalent are used as …

IMO 2010 FTPC Part 1 – Non-combustibility test

Materials for maritime use are tested according to the IMO 2010 FTP Code (International Maritime Organization Fire Testing Procedures Code). Results can be used for type approval (wheel mark). Part 1 of the code describes the …

IMO 2010 FTPC Part 8 – Test for upholstered furniture

IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 8 testing for upholstered furniture is used to assess the suitability of materials for maritime use. The results can be used for type approval (wheel mark). The testing is performed on the actual …

Vertical burning test for plastics with 50 W flame - UL 94

IEC 60695-11-10, UL 94
In the test, a vertically oriented test specimen is exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 50 W. Together with the horizontal burning …

Horizontal burning test for foamed plastics - UL 94

UL 94
In this test, a horizontally oriented test specimen is exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 50 W after being conditioned as per the UL 94 standard. This test is used to classify …

Horizontal burning test for plastics - UL 94

IEC 60695-11-10, UL 94
In this test, a horizontally oriented test specimen is exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 50 W. Together with other UL 94 tests, the results are used …

Surface burning test for plastics with 500 W flame - UL 94

IEC 60695-11-20, UL 94
In this test, a vertically oriented test specimen is exposed to a small flame ignition source with a nominal thermal power of 500 W. Together with the horizontal …

IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 7 – Test for vertically supported textiles and films

IMO FTP Code 2010 Part 7
Vertically supported textiles and films are to be tested by IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 7 to assess their suitability for marine use. Test …

Solid recovered fuels (SRF) analysis

Analysis package for solid recovered fuels (SRF) including the following measurements: Moisture, Ash, Calorific value , CHNSO, Elements (ICP): As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Tl, V. Total chlorine (Cl), total fluorine (F), or …

Type of testing

Industry or material

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