XRR + GI-XRD of thin films

The combination of Grazing Incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD) and X-ray reflectometry (XRR) analysis to determine the following properties of thin film samples.


  • density (g/cm3)

  • thickness (nm),

  • roughness (nm)


  • XRD spectrum and identification of the phase(s)

  • Crystallinity, crystallite size, lattice paraments and strain of the phase. NOTE. these parameters are determined if the samples are highly crystalline. Not always possible to determine if the crystallinity is insufficient.

Notes about suitable samples

XRR - The method is applicable to the characterization of single- or multilayered thin films, as it provides information on the thickness and density of individual layers of the sample material as well as the roughness of the interphases.

The greatest accuracy for XRR thickness measurements is generally achieved for samples containing 1-150 nm thick surface layers with under 5 nm RMS roughness. Thicker films and coatings with rougher surfaces can also be characterized but, the accuracy of thickness determination decreases as the thickness and roughness of the film or film stack increases.

GI-XRD - the method is generally applicable for samples that are suitable for XRR. The only special criterion is crystallinity - the investigated phases must be crystalline to produce XRD data.

Available conditions

By default, the GI-XRD and XRR measurements are performed under ambient conditions, but temperatures of 25-1100 °C can be used and the properties studied as a function of temperatures. The measurements can also be done under inert gas or vacuum if needed.

Please contact our experts if you need XRR and/or GI-XRD measurements or if you need more information on the analysis or suitable samples.

Suitable sample matrices
Thin films (metal oxides, nitrides, metals, etc.) on typical substrates, such as silicon (Si), gallium nitride (GaN), silicon carbide (SiC), gallium arsenide (GaAs) or indium phosphide (InP).
Required sample quantity
Optimal size: 5 x 4 cm, minimum: 2 x 2 cm
Typical turnaround time
3 weeks after receiving the samples
Available quality systems
Measurlabs validated method
Device types

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  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?
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