VPD ICP-MS allows the determination of trace metal contamination on the surface of wafers. The full surface of the wafer is scanned during the analysis.

VPD ICP-MS is performed using acid to dissolve the top surface of the wafer before the determination of elemental concentrations with ICP-MS. Please note that lighter elements, such as H, C, N, O, and F, cannot be analyzed.

We offer different analysis packages for a wide range of elements:

  • 30 elements: Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ge, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Sr, Ti, W, V, Zn, Zr

  • 41 elements: Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Ga, Ge, Fe, Hf, Ir, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, Pb, Re, Sb, Sn, Sr, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, W, V, Y, Zn, Zr

  • Additional noble metals: Ag, Au, Pt, Pd

  • Additional elements are available upon request

This measurement is primarily meant for 100, 150, 200, and 300 mm bare-silicon wafers, but we also offer ICP-MS analyses for other wafer sizes and thin films.

Contact us for more information and to request a quote.

Detection limit: ppm - ppb (107-1010at/cm2)

Suitable sample matrices
Thin films, coatings, silicon wafers
Required sample quantity
Full wafer
Typical turnaround time
2 – 3 weeks after receiving the samples
Available quality systems
Measurlabs validated method
Device types

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Answering the following questions helps us prepare an offer for you faster:

  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?
  • Do you have a recurring need for these tests? If yes, how often and for how many samples at a time?

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