Nanoparticle analysis according to REACH
The following analyses are included in this nanoparticle analysis package, intended to characterize nanoforms according to the REACH Regulation.
Particle size distribution and aspect ratios by SEM-EDX
Preparation with isopropanol
Sample dispersion on a slide, with centrifugation
SEM analysis and particle count by image analysis
Nanoparticle detection and classification according to the 2022 EC recommendation on the definition of nanomaterial
Reporting of PSD parameters for ~300 particles, including the following:
PSD diagram, accumulated and individual.
Feret min (min, d10, d25, d50, d75, d90, d95, max)
Feret max (min, d10, d25, d50, d75, d90, d95, max)
Equivalent circular diameter (min, d10, d25, d50, d75, d90, d95, max)
Aspect ratio (calculated based on individual feret min and feret max measurements)
Number based nano-fraction (%)
Crystal phase analysis by XRD/Rietveld method
Sample preparation: drying, grinding, X-ray preparation
XRD analysis over an angular range extending from 10° to 90°
Identification of the crystalline phases present in the sample
Semi-quantitative analysis of phase distribution, using the Rietveld method
Interpretation of diffractograms
Chemical composition/purity by ICP-AES and CHNS analysis
ICP-AES quantification of inorganic and metallic elements: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Sb, Si, Sn, Sr, V, Zn, Ti, and Tl
Determination of C, H, N, and S with an elemental analyzer
Volume-specific surface area (VSSA) and VSSA diameter calculations (optional)
BET specific surface area measurement of powder by nitrogen adsorption
True (skeletal) density measurement by He pycnometry, excluding intergranular and intragranular porosity
Both analyses include sample preparation
You can request a quote for the analysis through the form below. Please note that the OECD 125 guideline does not apply to this analysis.
- Suitable sample matrices
- Powders
- Required sample quantity
- 50 g
- Available quality systems
- Accredited testing laboratory
- Method expert
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