Identification of an unknown sample
Measurlabs offers tailor-made analysis packages for unidentified samples. Our experts will formulate the needed analysis package based on the information provided by the customer. The formulated package aims to provide sufficient information to identify the sample components and their quantities. Most typically, the following methods are used to analyze unknown substances:
CHNOS elemental analysis and TGA: These methods will provide information on the sample composition, mainly if the sample is organic or inorganic and if it has one or more constituents.
XRD, XRF, ICP, and IC: These methods will be used to provide more detailed qualitative and quantitative information on the inorganic constituents of the sample.
1H & 13C NMR, and GC/HPLC-MS: These methods are used to identify and quantify organic constituents.
Our whole analysis catalog can be used to analyze the sample if required. Please contact our experts to start building the unknown sample analysis package designed specifically for your needs. Please also note that the stated required sample amount is the preferred amount. Analysis of smaller sample quantities can also be conducted.
More information about the method:
NMR spectroscopyXRF analysisIon chromatography (IC)GC-MS analysisThermogravimetric analysis (TGA)CHN(O)S elemental analysis (CHNOS)TD-GC-MS analysis- Suitable sample matrices
- Solid or liquid
- Required sample quantity
- 10 g
- Available quality systems
- Measurlabs validated method
- Device types
- Method expert
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