Powder XRD measurement - Quantitative analysis

Phase identification and quantification (Rietveld analysis) of a crystalline powder material using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The analysis can also provide unit cell dimensions.

The analysis is only suitable for materials with at least one crystalline phase. The quantification accuracy is roughly 0.1 %, depending on the sample matrix and the phase in question.

The available temperature range for XRD measurements is 25-1100 °C and the crystallinity can be studied as a function of temperatures. The measurements can be done under a normal atmosphere, inert gas, or vacuum. Please contact our experts to discuss the available temperature and atmosphere combinations.

Please mention which crystalline phases your material contains and which ones are you interested in quantifying when requesting testing. However, the method can be applied to unknown phases as well.

Suitable sample matrices
Powdered samples and materials that can be ground to a fine powder. For example sand, rocks, dirt, carbonized lignin, active pharmaceutical ingredients, etc.
Required sample quantity
15 g
Typical turnaround time
2 weeks after receiving the samples
Available quality systems
Measurlabs validated method
Device types

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  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?
  • Do you have a recurring need for these tests? If yes, how often and for how many samples at a time?

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