How to fulfill Amazon's testing requirements for dietary supplements?

Published February 23, 2023

Amazon is an important marketplace for the supplement industry, but it also has strict requirements for quality assurance. Testing is a requirement for obtaining the Certificate of Analysis (CoA) for selling weight loss, bodybuilding, and sexual enhancement supplements on Amazon.

Which products are considered dietary supplements?  

Amazon defines dietary supplements as “vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other substances, such as amino acids or fatty acids eaten to supplement the diet.” Supplements can come in many forms, including tablets, powders, liquids, and capsules. 

Supplements are not prescription drugs and should not be confused with them. This is why they must not contain ingredients that are restricted for use in prescription drugs. They also must not be marketed as having the same effects or being similarly effective.

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What are the general requirements for listing supplements on Amazon?

Amazon requires listed supplements to be safe, effective, and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. A comprehensive quality assurance plan must be in place before supplements are submitted for approval. 

To prove that appropriate measures are taken, the retailer may be asked to provide some or all of the following documents: 

  • A good manufacturing practice (GMP) certificate. The seller must demonstrate compliance with current good manufacturing practices according to standards 21 CFR 111 and 21 CFR 117.

  • A Certificate of Analysis (CoA) OR evidence of participation in a third-party quality certification program. 

  • Legible product images that display the entire product label. Labeling must be compliant with standard 21 CFR 101.36. 

Failure to produce these documents upon request will prevent products from being listed on Amazon. The seller’s ability to list other products may also be suspended and payments to the seller may be withheld.

What is the Certificate of Analysis?

The Certificate of Analysis (CoA) is a document that outlines the nutritional content of the supplement and proves that it does not contain any forbidden substances. Amazon requires the certificate to be provided by a third-party laboratory with ISO 17025 accreditation. 

The CoA must illustrate that the amount of each ingredient in the supplement matches the value indicated on the supplement facts panel. It is not enough to state that the product complies with this requirement – rather, the certificate must include actual data and observations.

The Certificate of Analysis must include the name and address of the accredited laboratory that performed the testing, as well as a description of the analytical methods used. The complete product name and batch number must also be specified.

Which ingredients are forbidden from supplements sold on Amazon? 

Supplements cannot be listed on Amazon if they contain any of the following substances. 

Sexual enhancement supplements: 

  • Sildenafil

  • Tadalafil

  • Vardenafil

  • Sulfoaildenafil

  • Desmethyl carbodenafil

Weight loss supplements: 

  • Sibutramine

  • Desmethylsibutramine

  • Phenolphthalein

  • Fluoxetine

Sports nutrition (bodybuilding) supplements: 

  • Ostarine

  • Ligandrol

  • 4-DHEA

  • Sibutramine and its analogs desmethylsibutramine and didesmethylsibutrmine

  • DMAA

A new Certificate of Analysis proving the absence of these substances must be submitted every 12 months. 

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