Particle size distribution analysis according to EC recommendations

Particle size analysis with scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

The analysis is performed in conformity with the 2022 European Commission recommendation on the definition of nanomaterials (2022/C 229/01).

At least 300 particles are measured, the minimum Feret diameter is chosen as the dimensional parameter, and the particle size distribution histogram is reported.

By default, the following data are reported:

  • Mean

  • Median (d50)

  • Number-based nano percentage according to 2022/C 229/01 definition

Please indicate if you want any other statistics reported. The price for this analysis is per population. If the qualitative SEM analysis reveals multiple populations, the price needs to be adjusted according to the number of populations to be reported.

This method can be used to establish the presence of small particles including nanoparticles according to EFSA novel food guidance (Particle-TR). In this case, the following statistics are also included in the report:

  • mean and median

  • 10% value of the total particles

  • % of the particles that are smaller than 500 nm

  • % of the fraction of small particles that are smaller than 250 nm

For cosmetics applications, the following statistics are provided:

  • mean and median

  • 10% value of the total particles

  • Number-based nano percentage according to 2022/C 229/01 definition

This analysis can be coupled with XRD analysis for crystallinity information, or with VSSA analysis for specific surface area information.

Suitable sample matrices
Powder samples: food or cosmetics
Required sample quantity
10 g
Available quality systems
Accredited testing laboratory
Device types


Price per sample (Excl. VAT):
2,100 €

We also charge a 97 € service fee per order.

Large batches of samples are eligible for discounts.

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