Ergot alkaloid determination
Ergot alkaloid analysis of food, feed, and dietary supplements with an HPLC method. Ergot alkaloids are mycotoxins produced by Claviceps genus fungi, mainly Claviceps purpurea.
Regulation (EU) 2023/915 sets maximum levels for the amount of ergot alkaloids in various high-risk products, such as cereals and cereal products, and cereal-based foods for infants and young children.
The following ergot alkaloids are determined with the applied method:
Ergometrine, ergometrinine
Ergosine, ergosinine
Ergotamine, ergotaminine
Ergocornine, ergocorninine
Ergocristine, ergocristinine
Ergocryptine, ergocryptinine
- Suitable sample matrices
- Food, feed, dietary supplements
- Required sample quantity
- 100 g
- Typical turnaround time
- 2 weeks after receiving the samples
- Detection limit
- 5-15 µg/kg per parameter depending on the sample
- Available quality systems
- Accredited test method
- Device types
- Method expert
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