Meeri Rantanen has worked at Measurlabs as a testing expert focusing on chemicals and environmental samples since August 2023. Her areas of interest include inorganic analytical chemistry and legislation around environmental analyses.
Meeri’s educational background is in analytical chemistry. She graduated with an MSc from the University of Jyväskylä in 2021 after writing her master’s thesis on ICP-TQ-MS method development.
Before joining Measurlabs, Meeri worked as a method development chemist at a nickel refining factory and as an analytical service manager at a large testing services provider. As a result, she is highly experienced in the analysis of metals and mining samples using ICP-based methods. The detection and quantification of noble metals are especially close to her heart.
Meeri’s latest articles in our blog
PFAS-free testing for consumer products: how to verify the absence of forever chemicals
As there are thousands of chemicals within the group, substantiating PFAS-free claims requires both targeted analysis and fluorine content testing.
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Overview of the U.S. EPA Method 1633 for PFAS testing
Method 1633 details the procedure for screening 40 PFAS compounds from environmental samples, including surface and groundwater, sediment, and wastewater.
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