Lactose content in lactose-free products

HPLC-MS analysis to determine the amount of residual lactose in milk, dairy products, and other foods from which lactose has been removed. The results can be used to evaluate the validity of lactose-free claims.

There is currently no harmonized EU-wide threshold for lactose content in lactose-free or low-lactose products, apart from infant formula. As a result, national requirements are applied.

In the Nordic countries, lactose content must not exceed 10 mg per 100 g or 100 ml (i.e. 100 ppm) for the product to be considered lactose-free. The limit is based on the report "Nordiske Seminar- og Arbejdsrapporter 1993:557" by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Suitable sample matrices
Food, dietary supplements
Required sample quantity
100 g or 100 ml
Typical turnaround time
2 weeks after receiving the samples
Detection limit
2 mg/100 g (20 ppm)
Available quality systems
Accredited test method
Device types

Pricing and online order

Price per sample (Excl. VAT):
110 €

We also charge a 97 € service fee per order.

Large batches of samples are eligible for discounts.

Samples are entered during checkout.

Our experts review all orders to ensure the testing method is suitable for your needs and samples.

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  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?
  • Do you have a recurring need for these tests? If yes, how often and for how many samples at a time?

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