Allergens (ELISA) - egg

Detection and quantification of whole egg or egg white proteins in food products and other suitable matrices with the ELISA method.

The amount of whole egg powder or egg white protein is calculated based on the analysis of egg white proteins ovalbumin and ovomucoid.

Eggs and egg products are known to cause allergies and intolerances, which is why they must be indicated and emphasized in the list of ingredients for food products sold in the EU. Voluntary indication is recommended when egg protein may be present unintentionally due to contamination.

Suitable sample matrices
Food, feed, dietary supplements, cosmetics, environmental samples
Required sample quantity
30 g
Typical turnaround time
2 weeks after receiving the samples
Detection limit
0.05 mg/kg of egg white protein or whole egg depending on the ELISA kit
Available quality systems
Accredited test method
Device types

Pricing and online order

Price per sample (Excl. VAT):
90 €

We also charge a 97 € service fee per order.

Large batches of samples are eligible for discounts.

Samples are entered during checkout.

Our experts review all orders to ensure the testing method is suitable for your needs and samples.

Questions? We're happy to help.

Questions? We're happy to help.

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Answering the following questions helps us prepare an offer for you faster:

  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?
  • Do you have a recurring need for these tests? If yes, how often and for how many samples at a time?

Have questions or need help? Email us at or call +358 50 336 6128.