Material Testing Insights

Read articles by our experts and guest authors on the practical implications of regulations, scientific advancements, and the ideal uses of different analysis methods.

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PFAS regulations in the EU: overview of restrictions and compliance testing options

PFAS regulations in the EU: overview of restrictions and compliance testing options

The use of toxic PFAS compounds has been regulated in the EU for over a decade, with restrictions getting stricter each year.

How to compare material testing laboratories – 10 aspects to consider

How to compare material testing laboratories – 10 aspects to consider

Read our tips on how to compare material testing laboratories and select the best-suited one for your testing needs.

In vitro biocompatibility tests: alternatives to animal testing in the development of medical devices

In vitro biocompatibility tests: alternatives to animal testing in the development of medical devices

In vitro biocompatibility tests can be sufficient to show that low-risk medical devices are safe and compliant with EU regulations.

Niko Markkinen
Niko Markkinen

June 5, 2023

EU regulations on food contaminants – how to ensure compliance?

Testing is needed to ensure that food contaminant levels stay within the limits of Regulation (EU) 2023/915, which recently replaced Regulation (EC) 1881/2006.

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EU regulations on food contaminants – how to ensure compliance?
Paula Hirsilä
Paula Hirsilä

May 29, 2023

Recycled plastic, paper, and board in food contact materials – overview of regulations

It is possible to use recycled materials in food contact applications, but an enhanced compliance assessment is required to ensure their chemical safety.

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Recycled plastic, paper, and board in food contact materials – overview of regulations
Charlotte Zborowski
Charlotte Zborowski

May 10, 2023

Thin film depth profiling: guide to method selection

Choosing the most appropriate thin film depth profiling technique is key to obtaining all the required information at optimal sensitivity.

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Thin film depth profiling: guide to method selection
Ville Roininen
Ville Roininen

April 13, 2023

Overview of EU policy on biobased, biodegradable, and compostable plastics

According to the EU, biobased and biodegradable plastics can provide a sustainable alternative to fossil-based materials, but only when used appropriately.

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Overview of EU policy on biobased, biodegradable, and compostable plastics
Meeri Rantanen
Meeri Rantanen

March 3, 2023

PFAS regulations in the EU: overview of restrictions and compliance testing options

The use of toxic PFAS compounds has been regulated in the EU for over a decade, with restrictions getting stricter each year.

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PFAS regulations in the EU: overview of restrictions and compliance testing options
Heta Nieminen
Heta Nieminen

February 1, 2023

Characterization of thin films – what do we want to know?

Doctoral researcher Heta Nieminen writes about the significance of thin films in our modern society and provides an overview of key characterization methods.

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Characterization of thin films – what do we want to know?
Juha Keskiväli
Juha Keskiväli

January 27, 2023

PAH analysis – overview of EU regulations and testing requirements

Several EU regulations place restrictions on the presence of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (better known as PAH compounds) in food and consumer products.

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PAH analysis – overview of EU regulations and testing requirements
Ville Liljeström
Ville Liljeström

January 25, 2023

Old, Modern, Advanced, and What Not – X-ray Scattering

Ville Liljeström, a staff scientist at Aalto University, writes about the history of X-ray scattering and recent developments in the method.

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Old, Modern, Advanced, and What Not – X-ray Scattering
Pihla Pietiläinen
Pihla Pietiläinen

January 18, 2023

Comparison of microplastic concentrations in different types of water samples

We sent five water samples to the laboratory to compare microplastic concentrations. The results show that bottled water contains more plastic than tap water.

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Comparison of microplastic concentrations in different types of water samples
Niko Markkinen
Niko Markkinen

January 16, 2023

The revised EU Drinking Water Directive brings about stricter legislation on materials in contact with water

Read on to discover what the new requirements are and how to ensure compliance with them.

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The revised EU Drinking Water Directive brings about stricter legislation on materials in contact with water
Niko Markkinen
Niko Markkinen

December 28, 2022

MOSH and MOAH testing of food and food contact materials – how to ensure safety and compliance?

The amount of mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in food and their migration from food contact materials should not exceed the limits specified by the EU.

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MOSH and MOAH testing of food and food contact materials – how to ensure safety and compliance?
Niko Markkinen
Niko Markkinen

December 20, 2022

Testing for non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in food contact materials

NIAS screening can seem complicated, as thousands of different substances may unintentionally end up in the material. Check out our expert tips on the topic.

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Testing for non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in food contact materials
Juha Keskiväli
Juha Keskiväli

December 12, 2022

Guide to gas testing: samples, methods, and standards

Gas testing can be tricky, as gaseous samples pose challenges for sampling and shipping. A careful testing plan is key to overcoming such challenges.

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Guide to gas testing: samples, methods, and standards
Hande Güneş
Hande Güneş

November 29, 2022

Particle size distribution analysis – guide to method selection

Particle size distribution is a key characteristic of powdered materials. This guide helps you choose the most appropriate analytical method for your sample.

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Particle size distribution analysis – guide to method selection
Jesse Kalliomäki
Jesse Kalliomäki

November 28, 2022

Superficial science – using ALD and MLD to enhance the properties of solid surfaces

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) and molecular layer deposition (MLD) have applications in the fields of microelectronics and medical technology, among others.

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Superficial science – using ALD and MLD to enhance the properties of solid surfaces
Joel Noutere
Joel Noutere

November 23, 2022

The advantages of Organ-on-Chip technology in drug development

Joel Noutere from AKITA discusses the advantages of Organ-on-Chip technology as compared with more traditional approaches to drug development.

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The advantages of Organ-on-Chip technology in drug development
Petra Kaukonen
Petra Kaukonen

November 16, 2022

Rediscovering the hidden potential of lignin

More efficient utilization of lignin improves the sustainability of the biorefinery industry and speeds up the transition from fossil-based materials.

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Rediscovering the hidden potential of lignin
Ville Roininen
Ville Roininen

November 11, 2022

Mechanical testing of plastic materials – standards and methods

Mechanical tests help ensure the safety, quality, and durability of plastic materials. Testing is usually performed according to industry-specific standards.

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Mechanical testing of plastic materials – standards and methods
Veikko Linko
Veikko Linko

November 9, 2022

Resolving DNA origami folding in real time

Veikko Linko, Associate Professor of Biomedicine Technologies, discusses a new analytical technique for resolving the black box problem in DNA origami.

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Resolving DNA origami folding in real time
Sanna Laukkanen
Sanna Laukkanen

November 3, 2022

Textile testing requirements and practices in the EU

Regulatory requirements for textiles in the EU cover chemical safety and labeling. Performance should also be assessed to ensure quality and sustainability.

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Textile testing requirements and practices in the EU