Anssi Rajala

MSc, Organic Chemistry

Environment & Industry

Anssi Rajala

Anssi Rajala works at Measurlabs as a testing expert focusing on the analysis of chemicals and environmental samples. His professional interests include helping companies develop novel materials and ensure their safety through the detection of contaminants with chromatographic methods, mass spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy.

Anssi holds an MSc in organic chemistry from the University of Jyväskylä. During his studies, he worked towards a novel method for pyrophosphate analysis with fluorescent spectroscopy. Anssi has also previously worked at Thermo Fisher, where he helped optimize the quality of ultrapure LC-MS solvent blends, gaining strong expertise in LC-MS analysis.

Anssi’s latest articles in our blog

Anssi Rajala
Anssi Rajala

May 24, 2024

Total organic carbon (TOC) testing: applications, regulations, and standards

Popular applications of TOC testing include monitoring drinking water quality and ensuring that water is ultrapure for pharmaceutical use.

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Total organic carbon (TOC) testing: applications, regulations, and standards
Anssi Rajala
Anssi Rajala

February 20, 2024

New microplastic testing standard ISO 24187 sets guidelines for analysis

The standard lists several analysis methods for microplastic testing and defines size ranges that particles should be filtered into to get comparable results.

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New microplastic testing standard ISO 24187 sets guidelines for analysis
Anssi Rajala
Anssi Rajala

December 5, 2023

Overview of global & European POP testing regulations and compliance testing

The Stockholm Convention and the EU POPs Regulation aim to phase out Persistent Organic Pollutants to protect human health and the environment.

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Overview of global & European POP testing regulations and compliance testing

Read articles by our experts and guest authors on the practical implications of regulations, scientific advancements, and the ideal uses of different analysis methods.