Chemical testing services

Chemical testing, including elemental composition analysis and contaminant screening, is crucial to ensuring product safety, quality, and regulatory compliance. Measurlabs provides accredited chemical analysis services for a range of industries and sample materials.
Chemical testing services
...and more than 700 other happy clients
  • Fast turnaround times
  • Personal service from method experts
  • Competitive prices
  • Result accuracy guarantee

Chemical composition analysis

We offer a comprehensive range of chemical analyses for identifying the chemical composition and purity of different organic and inorganic chemicals. Testing options range from identifying unknown substances to detecting trace amounts of impurities in samples with an otherwise well-established composition. The following are just a few examples:

Environmental pollutants

Contaminant analysis

One of the most common reasons for chemical testing is identifying and quantifying different contaminants, such as heavy metals, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrosamines, phthalates, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Measurlabs offers contaminant analysis for environmental samples, food, chemicals, toys, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, consumer goods, semiconductors, and industrial materials. Test results can be used to demonstrate that products are compliant with national or EU legislation, for example, on food contaminants or the purity of cosmetic products.

Regulatory chemical testing

Regulatory chemical analyses are performed to assess compliance with relevant regulations and standards, such as REACH and CLP. Chemicals and mixtures must meet both REACH and CLP requirements to be lawfully sold and marketed within the EU. Additional testing requirements are imposed by industry-specific legislation, such as the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) and the Cosmetics Regulation.

A good example of our regulatory chemical analysis services is the identification and quantification of substances of very high concern (SVHCs), the use of which is restricted under the REACH regulation. SVHC analysis is always tailored to the material and the hazardous substances it may be expected to contain. You can request a quote for your product using the form below.

Chemical analysis methods

Various analytical methods are used in chemical testing. When characterizing the composition or purity of organic substances, some of the popular methods include NMR spectroscopy, HPLC-MS, ATR-FTIR, and GC-MS. For qualitative and quantitative information on the inorganic components of a substance, XRD, XRF, and ICP-based methods (e.g. ICP-OES, ICP-MS, ICP-SFMS) are often employed.

The choice of the most appropriate technique depends on the sample matrix and the goal of the analysis. When required, several methods can be used together to obtain a more complete picture of chemical composition.

Why choose Measurlabs for chemical testing?

With our wide network of accredited partner laboratories, we can offer a comprehensive range of chemical analyses for product development, research, compliance, and quality assurance. When ordering laboratory testing services from us, you will get the following benefits:

  • All the tests you need in one place, eliminating the need to communicate with multiple laboratories.

  • Support from highly qualified chemical analysis experts, who will help you confirm the most appropriate method and testing conditions for each analysis.

  • Competitive and transparent pricing with no surprise costs.

  • Clear analysis reports with a result reliability guarantee.

Request a quote

Fill in the form, and we'll reply in one business day.

Answering the following questions helps us prepare an offer for you faster:

  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?

  • What information needs to be obtained? (e.g. bulk composition, quantification of selected contaminants, etc.)

  • Do you have a recurring need for these tests? If yes, how often and for how many samples at a time? (We can offer bulk discounts for large order volumes.)

Have questions or need help? Email us at or call +358 50 336 6128.