Systemic toxicity studies for medical devices by ISO 10993-11

As part of a medical device's biocompatibility evaluation, systemic toxicity tests following ISO 10993-11 assess the risk of the device or its components causing harmful effects throughout the body. Systemic toxicity refers to effects that may be observed when the device or its particles enter the body and affect multiple organs or systems, rather than a specific contact site.

Systemic toxicity can be evaluated through studies of:

  • Acute systemic toxicity (exposure up to 24 hours)

  • Subacute systemic toxicity (exposure >24 hours up to 28 days)

  • Subchronic systemic toxicity (exposure for part of the lifespan)

  • Chronic systemic toxicity (exposure for a major part of the lifespan)

The most appropriate study type depends on factors like administration route, exposure time, and frequency, which should be justified according to the device's intended use. All the tests are typically in vivo animal studies, and samples should be prepared following ISO 10993-12. Implantation studies may be combined with systemic toxicity testing, ask more about the possibilities from our expert.

In toxicity studies, the tested device or its extract is administered or injected into the animal via the most clinically relevant route (dermal, implantation, inhalation, intradermal, intramuscular, intraperitoneal, intravenous, oral, or subcutaneous administration). Exposed animals are then evaluated through clinical pathology, histopathology, and/or gross pathology.

  • Acute systemic toxicity tests assess the effects of single, multiple, or continuous exposures up to 24 hours and are often conducted on rodents (mice, rats).

  • Subacute, subchronic, and chronic systemic toxicity are relevant when the device is expected to be in contact with the body for prolonged periods, and testing is typically conducted on rats or rabbits.

Contact us to request a quote for a study tailored to your device.

Suitable sample matrices
Medical devices (liquid, soluble, and solid)
Required sample quantity
Individually determined
Available quality systems
GLP test method

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Answering the following questions helps us prepare an offer for you faster:

  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?
  • Do you have a recurring need for these tests? If yes, how often and for how many samples at a time?

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