Transfer of optical brighteners from paper and board

Determination of the transfer speed of optical brightening agents (OBAs), also known as fluorescent whitening agents, from paper and board. The test is performed against UV light to provide a rating for the leaching of OBAs.

The applied simulants are:

  • Olive oil

  • 3% acetic acid

  • Alkaline salt solution (saliva simulant)

  • Distilled water

Testing is recommended for optically brightened paper and board, but also for paper and board with recycled fibers, especially if they are intended for food contact.

When requesting an offer for this test, please indicate whether the material is intended for short or long-term contact with food.

Suitable sample matrices
Paper and board
Required sample quantity
3 x A4
Typical turnaround time
3 weeks after receiving the samples
Available quality systems
Accredited test method


Typical price range (Excl. VAT):
158–178 €per sample

We also charge a 97 € service fee per order.

Large batches of samples are eligible for discounts.

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Questions? We're happy to help.

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Answering the following questions helps us prepare an offer for you faster:

  • How many samples do you have and what is the sample material?
  • Do you have a recurring need for these tests? If yes, how often and for how many samples at a time?

Have questions or need help? Email us at or call our sales team.