Tested by Measurlabs

The "Tested by Measurlabs" badge can be awarded to companies that have had their products tested by Measurlabs. It serves as evidence that the company utilizes independent, third-party laboratory testing to ensure the quality and safety of its products.
Tested by Measurlabs badge
...and more than 700 other happy clients
  • Fast turnaround times
  • Personal service from method experts
  • Competitive prices
  • Result accuracy guarantee
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What does the badge signify?

The badge indicates that the company has used Measurlabs for third-party laboratory testing of its products. The badge can be used more generally to strengthen quality assurance claims or attached to a specific product if Measurlabs has tested the product in question within a reasonable time frame. Specific claims about product characteristics can also be associated with the badge, subject to Measurlabs' approval.

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Who can get the badge and how?

All companies that have tested their products with Measurlabs are eligible to receive the badge. To apply, simply fill in the interest form linked below. We will then review your eligibility and the extent to which the badge can be used. Once approved, we will send you the badge along with usage instructions. If you wish to include specific statements with the badge, we can also discuss this further at that time.

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Does the badge cost something?

The badge is free of charge for all our customers. We want to promote the good practice of third-party testing to validate product claims and characteristics in an unbiased way, thus offering the badge as a complementary product.

Express your interest for the badge

Fill in the form, and we'll reply in one business day.

This form is also used for testing-related offer requests, so please specify that you are interested in the "Tested by Measurlabs" badge, or fill in this form instead: https://forms.gle/y5psnT9S2uFwKCuD7

Have questions or need help? Email us at or call our sales team.